30 Days after Hair Transplant: What to Expect?

30 days after hair transplant, the initial healing and recovery phase is nearing completion. The transplanted hair follicles have securely anchored themselves into the recipient areas, and the scalp has mostly healed from the surgical incisions. At this stage, the transplanted hairs may begin to shed, which is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. This shedding is temporary and should not be cause for concern at Medlinks.

Around the 30-day mark, the transplanted hairs will typically enter a resting phase, known as the telogen phase. During this phase, the hair follicles remain dormant for several months before initiating new hair growth. This resting period is essential for the follicles to fully establish and mature.

As the weeks progress, the transplanted hairs will gradually begin to grow, albeit at a slower rate compared to the native hair. The growth rate can vary depending on individual factors, such as age, hair texture, and overall health. It is important to be patient during this phase, as it can take several months to a year for the transplanted hair to reach its full potential.

During the 30-day post-operative period, it is crucial to follow the post-care instructions provided by your surgeon diligently. This may include avoiding strenuous activities, protecting the scalp from direct sunlight, and using prescribed medications or topical treatments to promote healing. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are also recommended to monitor progress and address any concerns.

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