4 Signs That Indicates Your Upholstery Foam Is In Poor Condition?

4 Signs That Indicates Your Upholstery Foam Is In Poor Condition?
3 min read
12 December 2023

As the holiday season is approaching, you must be quite busy with all the holiday décor and upgrades that you need to do. Your home will soon be decked up to welcome family and friends for the holidays. But is your home truly ready for the holidays if you don’t have enough quality and comfortable space to accommodate your guests? Without comfortable upholstery furniture, it is not easy to accommodate all the guests. The thing that makes your upholstery furniture all comfortable is none other than its foam. If the foam of your furniture upholstery is not in its best shape, it can make your upholstery limp and uncomfortable to sit on. These are some of the factors that indicate your furniture upholstery and its foam are in poor condition and need to be changed:

Compresses Under Weight:

Foaming of your furniture upholstery should compress under weight but when the weight has been removed, it should also bounce back to its original form. However, when your furniture upholstery foam is old, it compresses under weight, but it can not bounce back to its original form. That is a tell-tale sign that something is wrong with your furniture upholstery.

Thinning Of Foam Mattress:

When you initially purchased the furniture, it must have had a good volume which make it more comfortable for you to relax on. But with time and continuous usage, your furniture upholstery’s foam has worn off and thinned out. This is another sign which indicates your furniture upholstery foam needs to be changed for more comfort.

Worn Upholstery:

One of the easiest ways to identify whether your furniture upholstery needs to be changed or upgraded is through the visual test. If you can see your upholstery foam has worn off that certainly indicates your furniture upholstery needs to be repaired or replaced. It will help you make your furniture upholstery more comfortable for usage.

Foul Smell & Mould:

If you have outdoor furniture upholstery that is exposed to harsh weather, it can suffer a lot. Constant exposure to water can lead to the growth of fungus and mould within your foam mattress of the upholstery. Low-quality foam can quickly show its effect. This quality of foam emits a foul smell which indicates it is affected from within and needs to be changed. 

These are some signs that you need to look at to understand that your furniture upholstery mattress is not in the best shape. It will help you get your home holiday-ready and you will make your guests feel more at home.

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Luxafoam North 2
Luxafoam North stands as the premier provider of Dunlop foams and upholstery services in Australia. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we have dedicat...
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