5 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Upholstery Clean and Fresh in Sydney

5 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Upholstery Clean and Fresh in Sydney
5 min read

Are you tired of seeing stained and dirty upholstery in your home or office? Don't worry, you're not alone. Upholstery cleaning is crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. However, with so many fabrics and materials used in upholstery today, it can be challenging to know how to keep them all looking their best. That's why we've put together this guide on the 5 essential tips for keeping your upholstery clean and fresh in Sydney. From regular maintenance to professional cleaning services, we've got you covered! So sit back, relax, and let us show you how to transform your furniture into something beautiful again.

Get a Cleaning Service

If you're looking for an easy and affordable way to keep your upholstery clean and fresh, consider hiring a professional upholstery cleaning Sydney service. There are a number of great companies out there, so it's worth doing some research to find the best one for you.

First, make sure that the company you choose is licenced and insured. This will help ensure that your furniture is treated with the care it deserves.

Secondly, ask the company what type of cleaning they do. Some specialise in spot cleaning while others do more comprehensive work.

Finally, be sure to specify what you want to be cleaned. This could include fabrics, upholstery surfaces, arms and backs of chairs, and any other areas that may need attention.

How to Clean Upholstery

Cleaning upholstery can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but with the right steps, it can be done quickly and easily. Here are some essential tips for keeping your upholstery clean and fresh in Sydney:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner: A regular vacuum cleaner is the best way to get rid of dirt, dust, and debris. Make sure to use the appropriate attachments – such as a crevice tool – to clean difficult areas.
  2. Use mild detergent: Just like with your dishes, you want to use mild detergent on your upholstery. This will avoid any damage to the fabric or coloration.
  3. Avoid harsh chemicals: Harsh chemicals can damage both the fabric and coloration of your upholstery. Instead, opt for products that are specifically designed for cleaning upholstery fabrics.
  4. Stay organized: Keep all of your cleaning supplies close at hand so you can easily tackle any messes as they arise!

Protect Your Furniture from Dirt and Dust

Dust and dirt can quickly accumulate on upholstery, posing a health hazard to both you and your furniture. To protect your furniture from dirt and dust, follow these essential tips:

  1. Regularly vacuum your furniture. A powerful vacuum cleaner will remove all the dirt and dust particles that have accumulated over time. Be sure to use the correct attachments for your vacuum cleaner to avoid damaging the upholstery.
  2. Wipe down your furniture with a damp cloth every couple of weeks. This will help keep the fabric clean and free from dust mites and other allergens.
  3. Keep your curtains, drapes, and other window coverings closed when not in use to prevent dust and pollen from accumulating on them.

Remove Pet Hair

  1. If you have a pet, be sure to regularly vacuum and clean their hair off of furniture. This will help keep your upholstery looking fresh and clean.
  2. If necessary, use a pet hair remover to get the job done quickly and easily. These products are available at most convenience stores or online.
  3. Be sure to dry the furniture completely after cleaning it, in order to prevent any new pet hairs from forming.


Cleaning upholstery can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks, it can be a much easier process. Here are five essential tips for keeping your furniture clean and fresh in Sydney:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool – This is especially important if your upholstery has fabric covers. By using the crevice tool, you will be able to get deep down into the nooks and crannies that other vacuum cleaners cannot reach.
  2. Utilise Exterior Vacuum Cleaners – If your upholstery is covered only by fabric, an exterior vacuum cleaner may still be able to remove some of the dirt and dust accumulation. Just make sure that you place the furniture outside before turning on the machine!
  3. Mix together vinegar and water – Combine one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water in a spray bottle, mist it onto the upholstery, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then use a cloth to scrub away any dirt or stains. Rinse off the area thoroughly with cool water afterward.
  4. Dusting regularly with cornstarch – Cornstarch is an excellent way to keep surfaces such as couches clean without having to scrub excessively; just sprinkle some over areas that need attention, wait 30 minutes for it to work its magic, then wipe off any residue using a dry cloth or paper towel.
  5. Mop frequently – Mopping not only removes moisture and spills quickly but also helps redistribute all of those dust bunnies throughout your home- making them much harder to find!
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