5 Ideas for Boosting Team Morale While Working Remotely

5 Ideas for Boosting Team Morale While Working Remotely
3 min read

Did you know that offering team lunches in office can provide up to 150% return on investment? Or that up to 49% of employees would be more productive after a team lunch?

I'm sure we're preaching to the converted. But the new reality leaves us with a big question: how do we continue feeding our teams and keeping employees engaged while working remotely? This is especially challenging when meal budgets are being cut and every team member lives in a different corner of the island.

We've considered the hurdles and have come up with 5 great ideas to boost morale through food!

  1. Start with the essential workers in office first


    Your employees who were required to work in the office might see themselves as sacrificial lambs or heroes of the organisation. You might want to consider ordering lunch in to minimise their risk of travelling out, and also to reward them and keep spirits high.

    Importantly, treating them to lunch lets them know that you're looking out for their safety.

    Check out this list of restaurant-grade lunch boxes to order.

    Bento Boxes Under $10 Singapore

  2. Order lunch to their doorstep

    If you've got any more than 10 people to send food to, coordinating it by yourself on food delivery apps is a pain.

    The good news is that platforms like Catersmith can now help to take over the logistics of sending door-to-door lunches to your team members island-wide. Over a 100 addresses? No sweat! Just pick a budget, send us your list of addresses and consider it done.

    Ps, the bulk of the cost usually goes to the delivery fee due to the heavy logistics requirements. You might want to cater a little extra budget if you're keen to do this.

    Grain bento boxes for door to door employee lunch

  3. Take a sweet afternoon break

    Did you know? Studies have shown that glucose can help to boost willpower.

    If you've got a bunch of tough project deadlines to meet, a midweek cake or pastry delivery could give your team the perfect willpower boost to power through!

    Pastry and cake door-to-door deliveries are also budget friendlier, as we can have them delivered to you over a wider range of times throughout the day.

    Bloomsbury Stay Home Package Sweet Treats

  4. Organise a cookout over Zoom

    Yes, we hear you, it may be awkward to have lunch through a video call. But it could be way more fun and interactive to to assemble your lunch together instead, especially if your department is small.

    Send a grocery parcel to your team members! Opt for the ready-to-fry veggies and pre-mixed sauces, so that all your team members have to do are the finishing touches. 

    Photo credit: https://www.freepik.com/photos/food - Food photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

  5. Coffee Care Packages

    If you have employees who are huge coffee addicts, you might want to consider getting cold brew or drip coffee sets sent to their doorstep. After all, nothing quite cuts it like a good dose of caffeine does when it comes to staying focused.

    Science has also showed that coffee is linked to positive emotions such as calmness and happiness. That's two great emotions for your team's leadership to be associated with!


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