5 Things About the Window Blinds That Companies Don’t Tell You

3 min read
28 August 2023

Every individual cherishes the luxury and beauty of Window Blinds in Whistler at their office and home each day. But there are some cool things that you have certainly missed out on. This includes some hilarious factors, which will surely surprise and keep the eyebrows raised. So, what are these facts? Let’s find out from this post: 

5 Things About the Window Blinds That Companies Don’t Tell You

  1. First, window blinds were made with animal hide, bamboo and reeds

The earliest window blinds did not feel and look like the ones in today’s modern world. Velux, Roller, Roman Blinds and the Venetians are all recent developments. 

Many historical observations have pointed out that the first-ever window blinds were made out of bamboo [China], reeds [Ancient Egypt], and animal hide [for warmer climates]

  1. The Venetian Blinds are not from Venice 

Venetian Blinds are centuries old and have been the most popular type of blinds since 1760. But many people think that the Venetian Blinds originated in Venice, which is not true. 

Based on plenty of research, these blinds were invented in Persia and even in this modern world, the Venetian Blinds are known as “Les Persiennes” in Paris.

  1. The Roman Blinds originated in Rome

There is no doubt to the fact that the Roman Window Blinds in Whistler were created during Ancient Rome, especially during Caesar’s rule. 

Many experts say that during that time, Romans were pretty tired of all the debris and dust blowing right into their homes when the “Colosseum” was being constructed. So, the people needed something to prevent all the dust and dirt from entering their homes. 

They started to utilize strips of damp cloth, thick paper and animal skin for protection. [All this thing took place before the glass was introduced]

  1. Archaeologists discovered Marble Blinds in Pompeii

The entire city of Pompeii was wiped away due to a volcanic eruption. But the thing that left all the archaeologists speechless was that they found Window Blinds during the excavation work at Pompeii, which were made out of heavy marble.

  1. Natural window blinds are great for your health

This is where you should take some notes. All the blinds that are created with natural materials can absorb all the carbon dioxide in offices and homes. In return, it will not just improve a person’s health but will also improve the air quality. 


You will find the Window Blinds in Whistler used in commercial and residential properties. They add a touch of elegance to the interiors of a property and will also block out sunlight, offer protection from dust and dirt, and provide privacy. 

We hope that the information provided about the window blinds here, on this post, will surprise you and give you a chance to learn more about these blinds in detail.

Geoff Kelly is the author of this article. For more details about Rugs stores in Whistler please visit our website: mountainhomedecor.ca

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