6 Quick Ways to Protect Your iPhone from the Heat this Summer

5 min read
03 February 2023

6 Quick Ways to Protect Your iPhone from the Heat this Summer 

As the summer months approach and temperatures rise, keeping your iPhone safe from the heat is important. While the latest iPhones are designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures, excess heat can still cause damage or malfunction. To ensure that your phone is well protected during the summer months and beyond, here are six easy ways to protect your iPhone from the heat.

From using a case and avoiding direct sunlight to cleaning your device regularly and using an external battery pack, these simple tips will help you keep your iPhone working optimally in any temperature or climate. These steps will help you keep your device safe in the long term and can also extend battery life and reduce strain on the phone's components. 

So whether you're spending time outdoors this summer or want to ensure your phone stays in tip-top shape, follow these tips from Rad wireless iPhone repair Orlando to protect your iPhone from the heat!

Don’t charge your iPhone under your pillow: 

It may seem convenient to charge your phone while you sleep, but charging it under your pillow can be dangerous as the temperature can get too hot and damage the battery or cause an electrical fire. Instead of charging it under your pillow, try plugging it next to your bed, so it stays cool. 

Don’t leave your iPhone in the car: 

At first glance, this seems like an obvious tip—but even leaving it in the car for just a few minutes can be dangerous. The inside of a car heats up very quickly in summer and can reach dangerously high temperatures that will damage any electronic device left inside for too long. So always take your iPhone out of the car when you're not using it! 

Take your iPhone out of your pocket: 

Keeping your phone close to you is a good idea, but storing it in your pocket when outside can be dangerous because cell phone radiation, combined with direct sunlight and heat exposure, could overheat and damage its components. 

Stop using or put into airplane mode: 

When outdoors on hot days, try to limit usage as much as possible or switch to airplane mode. This reduces power consumption and prevents overheating due to extended usage time, which also decreases battery life faster than usual when used outdoors during hot days. 

Don’t charge in direct sunlight: 

Charging directly in sunlight or exposed to direct sunlight could cause internal components inside the device to overheat, which could lead to permanent damages if not taken seriously - especially if you are using one of those cheap chargers available online instead of original Apple-approved chargers that have been tested for safety purposes! Try finding shade or air conditioning when charging instead of exposing yourself (and thus exposing the device) directly to direct sunlight while charging! 

Use an external battery pack: 

If you know that you will be outdoors for an extended period during summers, such as camping trips or vacations where AC outlets might not always be available, then investing in an external battery pack would be a wise choice. These battery packs are designed specifically for portable use and provide enough juice without worrying about cables hanging everywhere! 

Final Words

Summertime is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather. However, when it comes to protecting your iPhone from the heat, you can do a few things to ensure your device stays safe. 

Taking these precautions can help you avoid damage and malfunction due to overheating and keep your phone in top condition all summer long. Start by avoiding direct sunlight, using a carrying case or external battery pack if you’re going outside for long periods, and always keeping your phone out of high-temperature environments like baking in a car dashboard or beach towel. Also, keep your phone out of high-humidity areas, which can cause overheating issues.

Lastly, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi features or put it on airplane mode when not in use so that they don’t drain the battery excessively while it's hot outside. However, you can also visit a professional iPhone repair store who can fix you heat-stroked phone right away. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your beloved iPhone survives the summer heat unharmed!

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