6 Top Tips To Help You Choose SIL Accommodation

Finding the right Supported Independent Living (SIL) accommodation can be a crucial step towards achieving greater independence and quality of life for individuals with disabilities. At We Empower Disability Services, we understand the importance of selecting the right SIL provider and accommodation that meets your unique needs and preferences. In this blog post, we'll share six top tips to help you choose SIL accommodation that's right for you or your loved one.

1. Assess Your Needs and Goals:

Before beginning your search for SIL accommodation, take some time to assess your needs, preferences, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as your level of independence, mobility requirements, support needs, and desired lifestyle. Clarifying your priorities will help you narrow down your options and find accommodation that aligns with your individual needs and aspirations.

2. Research SIL Providers:

Conduct thorough research on supported independent living providers in your area to identify reputable and reliable organizations. Look for providers with a strong track record of delivering high-quality support services and positive outcomes for their residents. Check online reviews, testimonials, and accreditation status to gauge the provider's reputation and reliability.

3. Visit Potential Accommodation Options:

Once you've shortlisted potential SIL providers, schedule visits to tour their accommodation options. Take the time to visit each property in person to assess its suitability and accessibility. Pay attention to factors such as location, proximity to amenities and services, layout and design of the property, and available support facilities.

4. Consider Support Services and Staffing:

Inquire about the support services and staffing arrangements offered by the SIL provider. Ask about the qualifications, experience, and training of support staff, as well as the availability of support staff during different times of the day and week. Ensure that the provider offers the level of support you require to maintain your independence and well-being.

5. Review House Rules and Policies:

Familiarize yourself with the house rules, policies, and procedures of each SIL accommodation option you're considering. Pay attention to rules regarding visitors, curfews, meal preparation, medication management, and other important aspects of daily living. Ensure that the house rules align with your lifestyle preferences and expectations.

6. Seek Input from Support Network:

Don't hesitate to seek input from your support network, including family members, friends, and healthcare professionals, when choosing SIL accommodation. Their insights and perspectives can provide valuable guidance and help you make an informed decision. Consider discussing your options with a disability support coordinator or NDIS planner for additional support and advice.


Choosing the right SIL accommodation is a significant decision that can have a profound impact on your quality of life and independence. By following these six top tips and conducting thorough research and assessment, you can make an informed choice that meets your individual needs and goals. At We Empower Disability Services, we are committed to supporting individuals with disabilities in finding the ideal SIL accommodation and achieving their aspirations for independent living. Contact us today to learn more about our SIL support services and how we can assist you on your journey to greater independence and empowerment.

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