6 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

6 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
4 min read
11 October 2023

If you’re currently experiencing the summer slump, rest assured that you’re not the only one. However, it’s important to remember that summer doesn’t exempt us from meeting our deadlines.

The higher up you are in a leadership role, the greater the responsibility to self-motivate. Throughout a career as an executive level, Many clients on how to ignite their motivation.

Try these strategies if you’re in need of a motivational boost.

6 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

1. Give Yourself the Freedom to Take a Break

When you’re tired, it’s important to allow yourself to take a break. Instead of pushing yourself to work even more, make sure you take some time to rest properly.

Focus on getting enough sleep, think about taking a day or even a week off if possible, and most importantly, do things that you enjoy. This can help you regain your enthusiasm.

2. Shake Things Up

While routines can be incredibly useful for accomplishing tasks efficiently, they can also become monotonous over time. Occasionally, the most effective way to motivate yourself is to break free from the daily grind.

Try watching a lighthearted YouTube video in the morning instead of meditating. Turn on some lively music and let loose. Take a midday walk to break the routine. Opt for a friendly chat with a colleague instead of immediately delving into your email to address urgent matters. Embracing variety can add zest to your life and, in turn, boost your motivation.

3. Work on Something Else

If you find yourself struggling to make headway with the budget or plow through your to-do list, and you’re feeling drained, consider redirecting your attention. Perhaps there’s a meeting you’ve been avoiding or a memo outlining essential principles for a new project that you wouldn’t mind tackling.

Accomplishing any task, even if it’s different from your original plan, can provide a sense of achievement and improve your mood. So, grant yourself the freedom to work on something that aligns with your current energy level.

4. Create Opportunities for Small Victories

One surefire way to boost motivation is by making progress, and progress comes in various shapes and sizes, including small wins. If you’re struggling to muster motivation for starting a project, begin by listing the necessary actions.

Take a simple step, even if it’s just completing one straightforward task, and then mark it as done. You can employ the same strategy for a list of routine chores. If you need to prepare for a challenging conversation, outline your thoughts without getting bogged down in crafting the perfect words. Achieving clarity in your thinking is a gratifying small victory that can fuel your motivation.

5. Ignore Distractions

This advice isn’t solely about maintaining concentration. It goes beyond addressing procrastination, which is undoubtedly a component of the motivation challenge. Instead, it centers on context switching, engaging in activities like checking social media, tending to your email, or getting absorbed in interesting articles or content.

These distractions don’t contribute to motivation. If you intend to relax, commit to that rest fully. On the other hand, if work is your objective, channel your energy into it without allowing these diversions to sidetrack you. Make a concerted effort to eliminate these distractions to bolster your productivity and motivation.

6. Forgive Yourself

Keep in mind Hofstadter’s Law: Tasks often require more time than initially anticipated. Unexpected detours and periods of reduced productivity are inherent in the journey. Therefore, it’s essential not to be overly critical of yourself if you discover that your initial ambitions for completing tasks within a specific time frame were overly optimistic.

Adjust your expectations and remind yourself that you can accomplish quite a bit if you just take small steps consistently.


If you’re experiencing a summer slump, know that you’re not alone, even in leadership positions. As an executive coach.

Consider these strategies, allow breaks for proper rest, embrace variety, shift focus if needed, celebrate small victories, eliminate distractions, and be forgiving while adjusting expectations, recognizing that progress takes time. Stay motivated and focused on your goals.

As a leader, your motivation will naturally ebb and flow. Use these strategies to call upon it when you need it.

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James Robert 5
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