You may flaunt hairless and smooth skin by having laser hair removal done, but in order to ensure that it is successful, you need to be aware of these seven warnings: before and after laser hair removal. We offer best products and treatment for Skin specialist in Abu Dhabi.
Is There Anything You Need to Do Before You Have Laser Hair Removal?
Shaving the region should do at least one day in advance of your appointment:
- When it comes to shaving, closer is better. If this is your first time getting your hair done, the specialist will want to check a little strand of your hair.
- You should avoid shaving the areas of your head where you wish to preserve the hair, such as your eyebrows and sideburns.
- On the day of your visit, you not permit to wear makeup, lotion, or deodorant (in the treatment area).
- You are not allowed to expose to direct sunlight for at least three full days leading up to your visit (and 3 days after).
- To avoid being burnt during your treatment, avoid using any self-tanners or designed products for spray tanning for at least two weeks beforehand.
- It is important that you abstain from drinking any further alcoholic beverages in the 24 hours leading up to your treatment.
- For at least four weeks, you should refrain from waxing, threading, and tweezing the region.
- Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or attempting to conceive are not candidates for laser therapy under any circumstances. Customers who are currently experiencing their period are not candidates for the laser bikini procedure.
Does Using a Razor to Shave Your Legs Cause More Hair to Come Back?
Before and after laser hair removal: the treatment area to shave at least 24 hours before your appointment – Creative Commons – Cosmopolitan
What should you do follow your visit to have laser hair removal done?
Itching And a Rash Are Quite Normal:
It is common for you to experience post-treatment redness and rash right after your therapy. These may continue for up to two hours or perhaps longer.
It is not unusual for the treated region to have the sensation of a sunburn for a few hours after the procedure.
It's possible that darker, more pigmented skin will be more uncomfortable than lighter skin, and the discomfort could last longer.
Thoroughly Clean the Area Treat That.
The treated area may then clean gently using a soap that is pH neutral. During the first forty-eight hours after a treatment, the skin should pat dry rather than massaged.
For the first twenty-four hours, do not use makeup, lotion, moisturizer, or deodorant.
Maintain a clean and dry environment around the treated region, and if redness or irritation continues after these steps, do not use cosmetics, moisturizer, or deodorant (for the underarms) until the inflammation has dissipated.
After your treatment, dead hair will start to come out anywhere from 5 to 30 days later.
It will take between 5 and 30 days from the date of treatment before the stubble, which is the term for the dead hair that has become detached from the hair follicle, becomes visible. It is entirely natural, and you won't have to worry about them for very long.
Exfoliates The Scalp to Hasten the Fall of Hair
It is possible that between 5- and 30-days following treatment, you will have hair loss, which can look like new hair growth at first.
What seems to be fresh hair growth is just dead hair expel from the follicle. You may assist the process of the hair falling out by shaving, washing with a washcloth or an exfoliating cloth, or using a washcloth.
Stay Out of The Sun.
Stay out of the sun as much as possible for the next two months to lessen the risk of developing dark or light spots.
Always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 25 or higher, and continue to do so for at least one to two months after the therapy has ended. The fact of the matter is that you always use sunscreen.
The area should not touch, scratched, waxed, or tweezed.
Keep Treated Skin Away from Picking at Or Scratching
You should refrain from shaving the treated region and using any other method or product for hair removal. Doing so will prevent you from receiving the greatest possible outcomes from the treatments.
The Skin and The Sun:
What they are good at, what they are bad at, and what they are ugly at.
Avoid the sun both before and after having laser hair removal done to lessen the chance of getting spots or burns. - license under Creative Commons.
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