8 Rowing Machine Benefits and How to Use It

8 Rowing Machine Benefits and How to Use It

Rowing machines are a staple in gyms worldwide, offering a full-body workout that's hard to match. These machines simulate the action of water rowing, providing an effective cardiovascular and strength-building exercise that's low-impact and accessible to people of all fitness levels. The benefits of using a rowing machine, particularly water rowing machines and seated rowing machines, are vast, impacting your health, fitness, and overall well-being. Here, we explore eight key benefits of rowing machines and provide guidance on how to use them effectively.

Comprehensive Full-Body Workout

Rowing machines stand out for their ability to engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. With each stroke, you work your legs, back, arms, and core, making it an efficient way to get a full-body workout. This comprehensive engagement is ideal for those looking to improve their overall fitness, lose weight, or build muscle.

Enhanced cardiovascular fitness

Regular use of a rowing machine significantly boosts cardiovascular health. The continuous rowing motion increases heart rate and oxygen uptake, improving heart and lung function over time. This could result in a decreased likelihood of experiencing heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular ailments.

Low Impact on Joints

Contrary to high-impact workouts, rowing places minimal strain on the joints. The smooth, controlled movements of water rowing machines, in particular, minimize the risk of injury, making it a safe workout option for individuals with joint concerns or those recovering from injury.

Calorie Burning

Rowing is an exceptional calorie burner. Depending on the intensity of your workout and your body weight, you can burn between 400 and 700 calories per hour. This makes it an effective exercise for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Improved Endurance

Regularly working out on a rowing machine can lead to significant improvements in stamina and endurance. As your cardiovascular system becomes more efficient, you'll find yourself able to exercise longer and harder across all types of physical activities.

Stress Reduction

The rhythmic nature of rowing, especially on water rowing machines that mimic the sound and feel of water, can have a calming effect on the mind. Exercise, in general, is known to reduce stress levels, and rowing is no exception, helping to lower cortisol levels and improve mood.

Increased strength and muscle tone

Rowing is not just about cardiovascular health; it's also a great way to build and tone muscles. The resistance involved in rowing helps strengthen the muscles, particularly in the legs, back, and arms. Over time, this process can result in enhanced muscle definition and an increase in muscle size.

Accessibility and Convenience

Rowing machines are accessible to beginners and seasoned athletes alike. With adjustable resistance levels, they can be tailored to match your fitness level, making them a versatile piece of equipment. Additionally, their relatively compact size makes them suitable for home use, providing a convenient workout option.

How to Use a Rowing Machine

To reap the benefits of a rowing machine workout, proper technique is crucial.

  • Start Position: Sit on the seat, securing your feet on the footplates. Grasp the handle with both hands.
  • The Catch: Begin with knees bent and lean slightly forward from the hips, arms extended, holding the handle.
  • The Drive: Push back with your legs first, then lean back from the hips and pull the handle towards your lower ribs to complete the stroke.
  • The Finish: End with legs extended, leaning back slightly, and the handle pulled to your lower ribs.
  • The Recovery: Extend your arms, lean from the hips to move forward, and then bend your knees to return to the starting position.

Beginners should start with 10–15 minutes of rowing at a moderate pace to build endurance, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of workouts. Listening to your body and focusing on form will help prevent injury and ensure you get the most out of your rowing machine experience.


The rowing machine offers a unique blend of cardiovascular, strength, and endurance training that's both effective and efficient. Its low-impact nature makes it accessible to a wide range of individuals, including those with joint concerns or beginners looking to kickstart their fitness journey. By incorporating rowing into your workout routine, you can enjoy a multitude of health benefits, from improved heart health and muscle tone to stress reduction and increased endurance. Whether you opt for a water rowing machine for a more authentic experience or a seated rowing machine for convenience, rowing is a powerful tool for achieving your fitness goals.

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