A detailed guide for bathroom renovation

A detailed guide for bathroom renovation
7 min read
18 November 2022


Renovating your bathroom can be an enjoyable process if you have a good plan in mind. You should also consider how showy you want the room to be, whether or not electricity and plumbing are necessary for this project, and what kind of shower or tub fixture will work best for your needs.

Make a plan

Planning is the key to a successful bathroom renovation. You’ll need to consider the design, style and floor space before you even begin. This will help you choose the right materials and fixtures for your new bathroom, as well as how much money you want to spend on it.

The next step is deciding which type of plumbing system will suit your needs best: traditional or modern? If you’re going with a traditional setup, then it's important that all pipes are connected at one point (the toilet), so make sure this happens before moving on! If there are multiple bathrooms in one home then consider installing separate sinks and showers so they don't get confused later down the road either - think about where people will be using these rooms most often too!

Hiring a pro or DIY

If you're looking to renovate your bathroom, the first and most important step is hiring a professional like  bathroom renovations toronto to get the job done. Here are some things to consider when choosing an architect or contractor:

  • Do they have references?
  • What kind of contract do they offer?
  • How flexible should I be about my budget?

Design and style

Design and style is a huge part of any bathroom renovation project. It depends on how much time you want to spend on the project, your budget, what materials are available to you and more.

The look of your bathroom will depend on many factors including:

  • The size of the space
  • The style (traditional or contemporary)
  • Whether or not there’s an existing layout that can be incorporated into the new design

The budget for materials and labor

Pay attention to floor space

Floor space is a key factor in any bathroom renovation. While you can't control the size and shape of your floor, you can make the most of it by placing furniture in an organized fashion.

A clean, organized look will help keep things simple and easy for daily use. You'll also avoid having to dig through clutter for what you need when it's time to get dressed or ready for bed at night—not something that anyone wants!

In addition, having a well-organized space will help you maintain order and keep your bathroom looking great for years to come. This article will provide some tips on how to organize your bathroom in an easy way that works best for you.

Add mirrors and windows

Mirrors are a great way to add light and airiness to your bathroom, so it's important to include them in any design. If you want your bathroom to feel larger, then you should consider adding windows or mirrors that can help create more space.

If you're looking for privacy, consider using frosted glass. This will block out all light while still allowing some natural light into the room through the window design. You should also consider including a window in your design; this will allow fresh air into the room without letting any rain inside!

Finally remember: don't forget about lighting! A well-lit bathroom is just as important as having lots of mirrors or windows because it'll make anyone feel at ease when doing their business!

Shower, tub, or both?

The choice of shower versus bathtub is usually a personal preference. Showers offer more space to move around, but baths have the added benefit of being able to fit in a standard-sized toilet and sink. Bathtubs can be smaller than showers, making them good options if your bathroom is small or you don't need the extra space that comes with a shower.

  • Pros:
  • You get more room for storage (e.g., towels)
  • You can use your toilet while bathing; no need to remove it from its usual position when changing clothes or washing dishes (or both)

Electricity and plumbing installation

  • Electricity should be installed by a professional.
  • Plumbing should be installed by a professional.
  • If you do it yourself, make sure you follow all safety guidelines, and do not forget to turn off the water and gas supply before working on them.

Renovating your bathroom can be enjoyable if you have a good plan. It's important to consider space and also how much showy you want the bathroom to be.

Renovating your bathroom can be enjoyable if you have a good plan. It's important to consider space and also how much showy you want the bathroom to be. This guide will help you make a good plan, and it will also give some ideas for other things that might interest you in this area of home improvement.

First, decide on what style of tile or stone flooring would work best for your needs—if there are any particular areas where water could collect, such as around sinks or showerheads (or even just under them), then these should be waterproofed before laying down any tile or stone flooring material so that water doesn't seep through over time into cabinets underneath which could cause damage suddenly due to sudden leakage when someone steps on it unexpectedly while using said cabinet area at some point later down the line."


Now that you've got all of your ducks in a row, it's time to get started on the renovation! You'll want to consider a few things before diving into these projects. First, do you want to do it yourself? If so, there are many DIY bathroom renovation guides available online (like ours) as well as books and magazines with more detailed instructions than we could ever provide here. Second: what kind of bathroom is it? Is there one room or two separate spaces that need remodeling? If so, how much space do they take up? Thirdly: who else will use this room regularly? If they're not coming over often enough already then maybe they don't need their own private bathroom yet (but if they do then keep reading!). Fourthly: how much will these renovations cost me per month over time - remember one thing about DIY projects is that sometimes doing them yourself can save money long term but other times it costs more initially compared with hiring professionals who know what they're doing!

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