A Proven, Successful Way to Train Your Dog

3 min read

Getting a dog is an exciting experience. However, you need to train the dog properly to create happy memories. Some dog owners try to train their dogs on their own by watching dog training videos or reading articles. Others take to dog to dog training New York. Here you will learn some proven techniques to train your dog.

Dog Whispering

Some people shout commands at their dogs. This doesn’t help in communicating because most of the time, the dog doesn’t understand what you are trying to say. Instead, you should understand the dog’s body language and communicate in a tone that shows mutual respect. For example, when an aggressive dog comes near you, just stand still or turn away. That way the dog will slowly calm down.

E-collar training

You can find e-collars in the market today. This is a special dog collar that comes with a remote switch. When you press the switch, a light electric shock is emitted. This is a mild form of punishment and the dog will listen to you. You should make sure that the intensity of the shock is not at a level to hurt the dog. You should give the dog treats once they show desirable behavior.

Training games

You can train your dog while playing. This way the dog will learn things quicker. The fetch game, for example, can teach the 'recall' command; playing hide and seek with the dog's toy can help teach the 'seek' and 'wait' commands. These games can be played with other dogs and people around. Besides learning new commands, this technique of training lets the dog exercise and helps them to socialize.

Clicker training

In this type of training a continuous distinct sound is used to recognize a desired behavior. You should have a treat ready once the dog shows good behavior. So, the dog will associate the sound with the treat and will show the desired behavior to have that treat.

Whistle training

A whistle is normally used by the hunters to train the dogs. It is ideal for distance training. You can pair whistles with some gestures to give the dog directions. You can use the whistle to call the dog, redirect the dog to various locations or make the dog sit.

You can take your dog to dog training New York or train them at home once you know which training you are comfortable with. These ways of dog training have proven to be very effective.

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