A Simple Guide To Ohio Medical Marijuana

A Simple Guide To Ohio Medical Marijuana
4 min read

Suppose you're considering getting a medical marijuana card in Ohio or have an existing card and are wondering how to benefit from it. In that case, there are several questions you'll want to be answered before jumping on the bandwagon. In this post, I share with you what my family is doing as medical marijuana patients and also give some tips to help you make the best choices when pursuing that special card!

How do you get a medical marijuana card?

To get a medical marijuana card, you'll need to be diagnosed with one of the following conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy (seizure disorder)
  • Glaucoma (eye disease)

If you have any other chronic or debilitating medical condition, like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, or multiple sclerosis, contact your doctor and ask if they can recommend cannabis as a treatment option. If they do so, fill out an application form to become eligible for one of these cards. Once completed and submitted to the state Department of Health—which the federal government has approved—you will receive a letter that allows you to purchase cannabis products from dispensaries in Ohio.

Can medical marijuana treat cancer?

Yes, it can. Studies have shown that medical marijuana can help you manage your pain and nausea during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. It's also been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety.

Other benefits include:

  • Treating depression and anxiety disorders (these are often caused by stress)
  • Treating insomnia (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep)

How do you legally obtain medical marijuana in Ohio?

To legally obtain medical marijuana in Ohio, you will need to:

  • Be certified by a doctor as being eligible for the program.
  • Live in Ohio and be a patient of the state.

Are there any health risks with using medical marijuana?

Can cause addiction: While most people who use cannabis for medical reasons do not develop an addiction to the drug, it's possible that you could become dependent on it if you use cannabis regularly for a long time. For example: If you have chronic pain or multiple sclerosis (MS), and your doctor recommends taking medical marijuana as part of your treatment plan, then that could be enough for you to develop an addiction if all other factors stay constant—for example if there was no other way around your symptoms without using this medication. 

However, research has shown that only about 10% of people who use cannabis will become addicted over time; so while this may happen with some patients in certain situations under certain circumstances (such as when they have problems quitting), most people won't experience any adverse side effects at all unless they continue using long after their initial diagnosis has been made clear by their doctor."

Can you use medical marijuana while pregnant?

In short, yes. Medical marijuana is legal in Ohio, and there are no restrictions on when you can use it. If your doctor recommends it, nothing stops you from taking a few hits before bed or during labor. However, it's always best to check with your OB/GYN beforehand and ensure everything is thoroughly researched before taking any risks with your health (and sanity).


We have compiled this guide to help you navigate the world of Ohio medical marijuana. It covers everything from acquiring your medical prescription to what you can use it for and how to handle the legal and social consequences.

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