Ace Your Game on a Budget: Discovering the Best Pickleball Paddles Under $100

3 min read


Pickleball, a sport that has taken the world by storm, demands precision and skill, and the right paddle can make all the difference. For players seeking quality without breaking the bank, the market offers an array of options for the best pickleball paddles under $100. In this guide, we delve into the top contenders, ensuring that players can elevate their game without stretching their budget.

  1. Selkirk Latitude: Mastering the Mid-Range

The Selkirk Latitude emerges as a standout in the realm of pickleball paddles under $100. Priced competitively, this paddle boasts a polypropylene X5 Core and a responsive fiberglass face. The Latitude offers players a balanced blend of power and control, making it an excellent choice for those seeking precision on the court without exceeding the $100 mark.

  1. Paddletek Bantam EX-L: Affordable Excellence

Paddletek's Bantam EX-L has consistently proven its worth as one of the best pickleball paddles under $100. Featuring a polymer core and a textured fiberglass face, this paddle delivers both power and finesse. The Bantam EX-L's optimal weight distribution and comfortable grip make it a popular choice among players looking for affordable excellence without compromising on performance.

  1. Engage Encore Pro: Professional Features on a Budget

For players eyeing professional features without the hefty price tag, the Engage Encore Pro is a top contender in the $100 category. Crafted with a specialized polymer core and a composite face, this paddle excels in spin and control. The Encore Pro's design and performance make it a go-to choice for players who demand more from their paddle without exceeding the $100 budget.

  1. Onix Summit C1: Premium Feel at a Practical Price

The Onix Summit C1 caters to those seeking a premium feel without sacrificing affordability. Priced under $100, this paddle features a carbon fiber face and a precision-cut polypropylene core. The Summit C1 offers players a superior playing experience with exceptional touch and consistency, showcasing Onix's commitment to delivering quality at a practical price point.


Elevating your pickleball game doesn't require a substantial investment. The Selkirk Latitude, Paddletek Bantam EX-L, Engage Encore Pro, and Onix Summit C1 exemplify the best pickleball paddles under $100, each offering a unique set of features to suit different playing styles. As players explore these budget-friendly options, they'll discover that precision and performance are indeed within reach. After all, in the world of pickleball, the perfect paddle is one that complements your playing style and fits comfortably within your budget.

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