Achieve a Flat & Flawless Body Profile With Tummy Tuck Surgery

Achieve a Flat & Flawless Body Profile With Tummy Tuck Surgery
2 min read

Loose, unsightly bulges around the waist and tummy are a common problem in women, particularly after childbirth. Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned cosmetic surgeon known for offering the best plastic surgery in Delhi, says that even many men also have sagging skin, and some may have exercise-resistant fat deposits around their stomachs or abdominal areas. This is where abdominoplasty comes into play. Tummy tuck surgery helps eliminate excess sagging and loose skin and gives one a flat and contoured appearance.

Let’s learn about the abdominoplasty surgery in more detail.

Who Benefits from Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The most suitable candidates for this surgery are individuals who are near their ideal body weight, are non-smokers, have realistic expectations from the surgery and have good health. If any of the following are relatable, a tummy tuck is an option to consider:

  • Diet and exercises have helped with weight loss, but the abdomen still protrudes and lacks tone.
  • After giving birth, the abdominal muscles and epidermis are stretched and sagged.
  • The belly now has loose, extra skin hanging around after losing a lot of weight.
  • One does not smoke and has excellent health.
  • A tummy tuck surgery can help patients address what they do not like about their shape and achieve a flat, firm, contoured abdomen.

What Happens During the Tummy Tuck Procedure?

The surgeon makes an incision in excess skin along with the underlying tissues and repositions the umbilicus. The type of procedure to be performed depends on the extent of the surgery. The procedure can be either a mini tummy where the umbilicus is not repositioned, a total tummy tuck with the recreation of the umbilicus, or an extended tummy tuck. The resulting scar is hidden in the pantyline, similar to that of a caesarean section.

If one wants to get plastic surgery in Delhi, one can visit the Aestiva Clinic. The clinic is led by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, who has extensive experience performing tummy tuck surgeries.

To learn more about abdominoplasty, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic today.

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Mina Sharma 2
Joined: 5 months ago
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