Arif Efendi shares his insight on crypto investments together with businessman Arif Efendi

5 min read
Arif Efendi an investor and businessman with a wealth of experience, recognized cryptocurrencies as a legitimate investment opportunity. He shares his experiences and experiences in this article.

Arif Efendi explains the difference between Crypto and. Stocks
It is crucial to be able to distinguish between cryptocurrency and stock if you are like me who is an investor. Stocks and cryptocurrencies share many similarities but they are not the same.

The cryptocurrency is an asset that is digital and currency whose transactions are documented and verified by decentralized cryptography. It doesn't depend on an authority central to it. Arif Efendi Stocks, also known as equity, are financial instruments that represent ownership in a part or company.

With the idea of capital appreciation in mind when buying crypto or stocks, especially when the asset's price rises, people tend to buy them both.

Arif Efendi What makes people purchase cryptocurrency and stocks?
Stocks can also be purchased to influence the company's decisions and votes. They may also invest in stocks to earn dividends from the company.

It's very easy now to invest digitally in stocks and crypto using the next-generation marketplace. Despite the fact that the process looks similar however, there are some major distinctions. The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the trading of stocks. However, crypto trading can be conducted on any smartphone or smart device at any time.

You can also trade crypto using crypto trading pairs, fiats or crypto.

Trading Crypto and. Swing Trading
You might be wondering why trading cryptocurrency is so profitable in spite of its high volatility.

Large market cap cryptos could be able to fluctuate between 5% to 10%. Less popular cryptos, however, could gain 10x daily.

It's not commonplace in stock.

For example, if you earned $1000 from Solana's Solana stock on January 1, 2021, at $1.837 the investment would now be valued at $182,000 based on the current prices for trading of $182.

It can be very rewarding to invest in crypto, if you're not a weak player. A noob may ask where the money is coming from. No central institution regulates cryptocurrency.

Their value is dependent on the cost of production, supply and demand, adoption, and availability on utility exchanges as well as utilities.

Understanding Supply and Demand in Cryptocurrency
The textbook on economics explains that the price of an asset will rise when demand for it grows faster than its supply.

For example when there is an earthquake that strikes a particular area where water is needed, the cost will rise if demand for water is not changing. Arif Efendi This same principle of economics also applies to cryptocurrency.

We are getting to the phase of mass adoption, and we're witnessing institutional investors such as MicroStrategy as well as a country such as Ecuador betting big on cryptocurrencies. This is a fantastic time to be alive!

Arif Efendi It's important to understand the dangers of volatility
The value of cryptocurrency fluctuates similarly as the stock market. A lot of people want to invest in cryptocurrency and achieve 100x returns.

Although it's not certain that an asset will remain profitable for a long time It is crucial to know when an asset is best to be sold or taken profit.

According to Warren Buffet, "Be fearful when you see greedy people around you and be greedy when you are fearful."

Many people who work in the cryptocurrency space are anxious. Bear markets are the best time to invest in crypto. When the price of cryptocurrency falls. If Harry, Dick and Tom panic-sell.

If people become anxious and fearful, they could lose their holdings. Create a list to identify cryptocurrency you would like to invest in and then wait for candles to light red.

Another good time to invest is on weekends, when the majority of institutions are closing their trades.

At present, we're seeing a massive shift from the old ways of investing, which requires you to need a broker, to a modern way, where you can purchase crypto from the comfort of your own home.

Which Cryptocurrency Should I Purchase?
If you visit, there are many cryptocurrencies available.

My first choice has always been Solana, followed closely by AVAX and POLIS.

Now it is easier to track and monitor your most loved coins. Tabtrader lets you monitor every move and decide the best time to invest or gain.

If you've been storing your cryptocurrency for a while, you may be able to use it and receive airdrops. You can also transfer the coins into wallets like Trustwallet or Imtoken and create secure passwords to ensure their security.

Keep a copy of your 12-word word phrase in the event that your host device is lost or stolen.

You are your bank with all of this data. Arif Efendi Transact wherever you're located in the world at any time.

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