Available Dental Crowns in Lake Mary FL

Available Dental Crowns in Lake Mary FL
5 min read

Dental crowns are one of the most common and effective restorative treatments. They improve the health, function, and aesthetics of damaged teeth.

Firstly, the dentist will examine and X-ray the tooth, then trim down and remove part of its outer layer. They will then make an impression and send it to a lab for fabrication.

Dental Crowns for Cracked Teeth

Crowns restore the function of damaged teeth and protect them from further damage. They also can enhance the appearance of teeth and improve your smile. Unlike tooth fillings, dental crowns lake Mary FL cover and strengthen the entire surface of teeth and they can be made to match the size, shape and color of surrounding teeth.

During your initial visit, the affected tooth will be numbed and reshaped to accommodate the crown. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials such as porcelain, zirconia, e.max(r) ceramic, or metal. Dr. Hochfelder will work with you to choose the best material for your needs.

With our CEREC(r) CAD/CAM treatment, we can produce and place your permanent crown in one office visit! If the crown is not placed immediately, we will place a temporary crown until it can be fabricated at a dental lab. When you come in for your second appointment, the dentist will ensure that the crown fits comfortably, looks natural, and doesn’t interfere with bite or jaw movement.

Dental Crowns for Missing Teeth

A crown improves both the strength and appearance of a tooth, while preventing it from further damage. It is often preferred over a tooth extraction, as it leaves the surrounding teeth and the roots intact. This prevents further complications such as bite changes, bone loss, and dental conditions like pain or gum disease.

A traditional crown encases the entire visible portion of a tooth above the gum line, while onlays encase only the top part of a damaged tooth. Both are fabricated from porcelain, resin, ceramics, or metals that blend with your natural teeth.

Before installing a crown, our dentist will numb the area and remove any existing tissue that may need treatment. Then, he will reshape the tooth and take a mold of it, which will be sent to a dental lab for fabrication. Our team uses high-quality crowns that are visually appealing, durable, and long-lasting. Patients can reduce their risk of crown wear and tear by practicing daily oral hygiene, avoiding jaw clenching or bruxism, and avoiding eating brittle foods like hard candy or ice.

Dental Crowns for Dental Implants

Crowns protect damaged teeth from further harm and restore their shape, size, appearance, and function. They can also anchor dental bridges that replace missing teeth.

To fabricate a crown, your dentist first numbs the affected tooth and surrounding gum tissue. Using a scanning wand, he creates a digital model of the tooth and gum area to guide the fabrication process. Then he selects a block of ceramic material to match the color of your surrounding teeth, and a computer sends it to a milling machine that carves out your crown in about five minutes.

Dr. Hochfelder uses a variety of crown materials for his patients, including porcelain, zirconia, and e.max(r) pressed ceramic, which look like natural teeth and are highly durable. He can also use metal and porcelain fused to metal for more conservative cosmetic results. He typically recommends screw-retained implant crowns because they are easier to remove from the abutment when necessary for maintenance or repair.

Dental Crowns for Dental Bridges

A tooth that is cracked or damaged impacts both the function and appearance of a smile. A dental crown can repair a damaged tooth and restore the strength of a tooth, often preventing the need for a dental bridge or tooth extraction.

Dental crowns Lake Mary FL are durable coverings that rebuild teeth with a cover material that mimics the natural tooth’s surface. Traditional crowns, which are cemented into place, fully encase the visible parts of a tooth above and below the gum line.

Traditional crowns require multiple office visits and weeks of waiting time until your permanent crown arrives from a lab. However, same-day crowns can be fabricated in the dentist’s office in minutes using computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology. These crowns are made of porcelain that closely matches your tooth color and provide a long-lasting and beautiful restoration. They’re also metal free for patients with metal allergies. Porcelain-fused to metal crowns are a popular choice, although they are not as translucent as all-porcelain crowns.

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