Benefits of Wearing Invisalign

3 min read
19 December 2022

Nobody enjoys hearing told they need braces, especially as an adult or adolescent when there are social and professional repercussions to take into account. The mere fact that you're sitting in an orthodontist's chair, however, does not guarantee that your mouth will be covered in metal brackets and wires. Thanks to improvements in dental care, more patients can now benefit from less invasive orthodontic procedures like Invisalign Brickell.

Orthodontic teeth straightening is provided by Invisalign Brickell using transparent, BPA-free plastic aligners. Similar to flexible, thin mouthguards, these aligners go over patients' teeth and operate on the same steady, gentle pressure concept as metal braces. Aligners are worn for 20 to 22 hours each day and are manufactured specifically for each patient in a lab using a 3D image of their teeth. Patients get new aligners every few weeks that are made to keep adjusting and moving tooth alignment. While traditional metal braces and Invisalign technology function similarly, Invisalign has a number of important advantages.

Comfort: Each patient's Invisalign aligners are custom-made from smooth, lightweight plastic. There are no brackets or wires, unlike metal braces, to hurt cheeks or gums. Patients won't have to worry about cutting their mouths when participating in sports or playing an instrument, which adds to their overall comfort.

The appearance of metal braces is one of the biggest concerns people have about receiving orthodontic treatment. The fact that the aligners are composed of clear, smooth plastic and are nearly undetectable makes using Invisalign for orthodontic treatment one of the largest advantages. Not only do self-conscious teenagers find this appealing, but adults also enjoy the fact that their dental work is hidden from coworkers and clients.
Maintenance - Because a large portion of orthodontic treatment is completed before patients ever receive their aligners, tweaks and status checks at the orthodontist are rarely necessary. Less time is spent away from work and education as a result.

Oral hygiene - Brushing and flossing regularly while wearing braces can be difficult, even with the best of intentions. Not for the weak of heart is trying to weave in and out of brackets and cables, especially with a delicate tongue (or most teenagers). Unfortunately, patients frequently discover cavities, gum disease, and discolored teeth after having their metal braces removed. However, Invisalign aligners may be taken out for tooth brushing, flossing, and even teeth whitening, making it simpler to maintain good oral health.

Food - In addition to requiring additional maintenance, metal braces also restrict the kinds of foods that patients can eat. Some forbidden foods, such as gum, caramels, and popcorn, are obvious because of their propensity to get stuck between the metal wires, but many others are not. Even nutritious meals like apples and carrots that are nibbled into might harm metal braces. Dietary restrictions are not necessary, however, because Invisalign aligners can be taken out while eating.

Jones Smith is the author of this Article. To know more about Brickell Invisalign please visit the website.


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