rhinoplasty in Iran | Best Iranian Nose Surgeons 2023

rhinoplasty in Iran | Best Iranian Nose Surgeons 2023
19 min read

Rhinoplasty in Iran; All You Need to Know

Humans have always sought to look more beautiful, and that’s one of the reasons why Rhinoplasty in Iran is so popular. Rhinoplasty in Iran is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed to change the shape and size of the nose. In general, Rhinoplasty takes up to 1.5 to 3 hours. A nose job is usually performed through an incision inside the nostrils, and in some cases, the incision is performed from the outside, around the base of the nose. Also, by undergoing Rhinoplasty, the changes can be done on the length or width of your nose, tip, bridge, or nostrils. Rhinoplasty is especially popular among women. Rhinoplasty Surgery in Iran has many different advantages and not only affects the appearance of the person but is also effective in maintaining the respiratory function of the nose because the shape of the nose and breathing are completely related to each other. Also, some people undergo this procedure to eliminate the appearance defects of their nose so harmony can be created between the nose and other parts of their face. People usually undergo nose jobs for the following reasons:

  • reshaping the nose, including making changes in the nostrils
  • Opening the respiratory airways for easier breathing
  • Making changes in the angle between the nose and the upper lip
  • Fixing a broken nose due to damage or an accident

Rhinoplasty in Iran Price

Most of the cost of Rhinoplasty in Iran depends on the surgeon’s expertise and experience, and in fact, doctors with more experience charge more. For this reason, when you decide to do rhinoplasty, be more careful about choosing a surgeon who receives less pay because the nose is a part of your face that you have no way to hide. You need to be super careful about any changes that are about to be done and those changes must be done in such a way that beautiful and natural results could be obtained. Generally, the cost of rhinoplasty in Iran is about 1,500 USD up to 3,500 USD. One of the issues that you should keep in mind regarding rhinoplasty fees is that usually, the cost that the surgeon receives for the revision nose job in Iran is higher than the cost of the primary surgery because in the revision nose job in Iran, the defects remaining from the Primary surgery such as cosmetic, functional, or both problems, will be dissolved.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Iran

Choosing a good surgeon for rhinoplasty is one of the first and most important issues that you need to be careful about. Actually, you need to allocate some time to search and find the best rhinoplasty surgeons and then make your decision. Based on our reviews and experiences during recent years, we’ve made a list including the best rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran. Here are the top 5 rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran:

What are the Different Surgical Approaches to Rhinoplasty?

There are two critical surgical approaches to rhinoplasty in Iran, open and closed techniques, and the main difference between these methods is the incision made during nose surgery to apply changes. Selecting one of the rhinoplasty methods depends on the surgeon’s advice, the structure and problem of the nose, and the individual’s opinion and goals. 

  • Closed rhinoplasty: Closed rhinoplasty is an operation in which no incisions are made on the skin of the nose, and the incisions are made inside the nose. The skin is separated from the overall structure of the nose using special tools.

Closed rhinoplasty is not used much nowadays, and it is the second priority of rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran.

One of the disadvantages of this method is that the access of the rhinoplasty surgeon is limited, especially to the nasal tip.

Closed rhinoplasty in Iran is suitable for people whose noses are not concerned with serious problems, especially at the nasal tip, and the individual does not expect significant changes after the procedure.

  • Open rhinoplasty: It is performed in such a way that the rhinoplasty surgeon makes a 2 mm incision on the columella to apply the changes.

Most nose surgeries, including incredibly complex nose surgeries such as revision rhinoplasty in Iran, are performed using the open rhinoplasty method.

The advantage of this method is that the rhinoplasty surgeon has more access to the overall structure of the nose.

The reason why most rhinoplasty surgeons prioritize the open procedure is that they have enough visibility and control during the procedure.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty can be divided into two main categories:

  • Open Rhinoplasty
  • Closed Rhinoplasty

Before surgery, your doctor will order tests to check your general health. If you are a good candidate for the surgery, the next steps can be as follows:

Steps of open rhinoplasty:

  1. Anesthesia: this procedure is performed under general anesthesia. 
  2. Making incisions: The surgeon makes a small incision on the columella area. This incision will allow the surgeon to access the underlying structures of the nose. The columella is the narrow band of tissue between the nostrils.
  3. Reshaping the nose: The surgeon lifts the skin and soft tissues of the nose. At this stage, they are entirely separated from the underlying cartilage and bone. In this case, the surgeon has full access to the nose structure.
  4. Structural changes: Now, the surgeon can make any changes to the nose. These changes can include changing the shape of the nasal bones, repairing the nasal cartilage, fixing the asymmetry of the nose, or nasal tip correction.
  5. Grafting: If necessary, the surgeon uses grafts or implants to enlarge or strengthen specific areas of the nose. Cartilage grafts are usually from areas such as the septum or ear. Artificial implants may also be used for this purpose.
  6. Nasal tip correction: Open rhinoplasty provides excellent access to the nasal tip. The surgeon can change the shape and correct the cartilage of the nasal tip.
  7. Closure: Once the surgeon makes the necessary corrections, he carefully repositions the skin and soft tissues over the nasal bone. Then, the surgeon closes the incision on the columella with sutures. These sutures are usually absorbable.

Steps of closed rhinoplasty:

  1. General anesthesia
  2. Making incisions: The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nostrils. 
  3. Dissection: The surgeon carefully separates the nasal skin and soft tissue from the underlying cartilage and bone.
  4. Structural refinement: Using specialized tools, the surgeon can modify the structures of the nose to achieve the desired changes. 
  5. Incision closure: After the corrections are made, the surgeon closes the internal incisions with sutures that are usually dissolvable.

What’s the Difference between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

To have a better understanding of the difference between septoplasty and rhinoplasty, we should first know their definitions and their uses. Septoplasty is a medical surgery that is performed to correct defects in the nasal septum (a piece of cartilage that divides your nostrils into sinuses). This surgery improves the function of your nose by opening the airflow channels and makes it easier for you to breathe.

The biggest misconception among patients who intend to undergo septoplasty is that this procedure changes the appearance of the nose. Septoplasty is to align the nasal septum. The nasal septum divides your respiratory tract into two parts, left and right, and if this septum is crooked, it will make your breathing difficult.

Septoplasty is also an invasive procedure, but it differs from rhinoplasty because it addresses the left and right internal nasal passages to improve the breathing process, and it has nothing to do with changing the shape and size of the nose for beauty concerns.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to change and improve the appearance of the nose. Since rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure, it can be performed to reduce the protrusion of the nose, change the size and shape of the nostrils, make the nasal tip broader or narrower, make the nose smaller and fancier, and create a better and more beautiful appearance.

The purpose of this surgery is to improve the external appearance of the nose by changing its size or shape. Yes, rhinoplasty can also help improve breathing, but it is usually performed for cosmetic concerns.

Suppose you are suffering from breathing problems caused by the deviation of the septum and problems with the appearance of your nose. In that case, these two procedures can be performed at the same time under the name of septorhinoplasty. 

Who Might Want to Get Rhinoplasty?

The individuals who might consider undergoing rhinoplasty in Iran may include:

  • Individuals who have aesthetic and cosmetic concerns and their existing noses have created a feeling of dissatisfaction with the face of the patient.
  • The patient is unhappy with the changes that occur in the nose due to aging.
  • There is a deformity in the nose that needs to be corrected.
  • The patient has realistic expectations from this surgery. The best candidates for rhinoplasty in Iran are people who are looking to improve their noses while having reasonable expectations. 
  • The patient is at an appropriate age. Teenage candidates should wait at least until the middle of adolescence for their nasal structure to develop. In the middle of adolescence, nose growth is completed, and after this period, it will no longer grow.
  • The patient understands the conditions of the surgery and can be prepped for the surgery based on the doctor’s instructions. For example, the patient can take time off from work or study to recover.
  • The patient is aware of the health conditions and allergies, and the doctor has been previously informed of this matter. This minimizes the likelihood of adverse reactions to medications and anesthesia.

Who is a candidate for rhinoplasty?

Considering the various types of nose surgeries, nose surgery is undoubtedly necessary for people who suffer from respiratory disorders. Most of these people go to the doctor with symptoms such as constant nasal congestion, dry mouth, runny nose, headache, nosebleeds, and sleep disorders. After examination, deviation of the nose, enlargement of the nostrils, and nasal polyps of these people may be diagnosed. In some cases, in addition to these diseases, the patients are not satisfied with the appearance of their noses, so cosmetic rhinoplasty is also performed at the same time.

But suppose you don’t have any breathing problems and you are only dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose. In that case, it is better to consult a specialist doctor to give you expert consultation and examine your suitability for undergoing this procedure.

A good candidate is someone who considers rhinoplasty, knows the full details of the surgery and the treatment process, and has a realistic view of the final result of the procedure. In addition, the patient should follow the doctor’s instructions. If you meet these criteria and your doctor agrees that you need surgery, you are probably a good candidate for a rhinoplasty procedure.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

The recovery period of rhinoplasty in Iran is generally divided into two parts. The first stage is the post-surgery recovery stage, where the patient regains consciousness, and the next stage includes following the necessary tips to recover faster. The recovery period of rhinoplasty in Iran takes about two weeks, and during this time, the patient needs to rest at home. Generally, the most comprehensive care subsequent to the rhinoplasty procedure is as follows:  

  • It is necessary to use a cold compress for at least 24 hours following the nose job surgery in Iran to enhance bruise healing.
  • Try not to laugh or talk too much for the first few weeks.
  • It is better to eat mixed food and follow a soft food diet in the first 48 hours after the surgery. 
  • Until the condition of your nose is completely stabilized, try not to travel in crowded places so that your nose won’t get hurt. 
  • It is better to put your head a little higher than your body when you sleep and rest in order to reduce the swelling.
  • If you want to sneeze, be sure to remember the care tips after rhinoplasty in Iran and sneeze with your mouth open.
  • Avoid heavy activities, such as lifting heavy objects or doing vigorous or heavy exercises, for at least six weeks.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • It is necessary to wash the inside of the nose several times a day with washing serum.

Iran Nose Job Percentage

Iran has gained global recognition for its exceptional standards in cosmetic surgery, and it boasts the highest prevalence of rhinoplasty globally. 

The experience, skills, and abilities of surgeons in the field of rhinoplasty are outstanding in Iran, such that numerous plastic and cosmetic surgeries and revision procedures are performed inside the country.

Each year, many individuals travel to Iran from neighboring or European countries to undergo cosmetic surgeries, including rhinoplasty in Iran; in addition to the reasonable price and the high quality of the care and provided services, the incredible expertise of the plastic surgeons in Iran is one of the most significant factors in the high number of diverse nose job surgeries performed in the country. 

How Common is Rhinoplasty?

rhinoplasty in Iran is the most frequently performed facial plastic surgery procedure, and it boasts a relatively high success rate of 80%. Rhinoplasty can be a positive and life-changing experience for many people. Successful and correct rhinoplasty can boost a person’s self-confidence. It may not have a significant life-changing effect on everyone. However, it can build a level of confidence in an individual’s appearance that is reflected in their everyday life. rhinoplasty in Iran can undoubtedly help you feel more confident about your body. However, it is essential not to choose an unqualified plastic surgeon. If the appearance of your nose has been a concern for you, or if you are suffering from polyps or deviated septum breathing problems, this surgery can be an excellent change for you. 

Nose Job in Iran or Turkey

There is no doubt that both Iran and Turkey are the top 2 countries popular for having nose jobs. So, have you ever thought of the difference between undergoing a nose job in different countries? Or have you ever wondered what the major difference is between rhinoplasty in Iran and rhinoplasty in Turkey? Based on research, Iranians were the first people to achieve a modern healthcare system, and it’s obvious that even a thousand years ago, surgery was a common thing in Iran. Now, let’s compare nose jobs in Iran and nose jobs in Turkey. In Iran, modern rhinoplasty in Iran has been practiced for more than 40 years, but in Turkey, people started to know more about rhinoplasty in the early 2010s. Considering the mentioned facts, Iran is a much more reliable destination for performing nose jobs.

Although it’s a fact that Istanbul is a famous center for cosmetic surgery, and the cost of a nose job in Turkey and Istanbul is very reasonable, they offer services in their clinics such as the latest technology, good quality, and affordable health care. However, there are still lots of other criteria for choosing a good destination for performing rhinoplasty in Iran, such as the surgeon’s experience, the types of equipment, and the high-quality services that hospitals or clinics provide for patients where the rhinoplasty in Iran is being performed. The cost of the nose job is all the factors that can make changes in the final result of the procedure. In addition, usually, the best and the most known surgeons, both in Iran and Turkey, work in more advanced hospitals or clinics that have standard medical facilities because the hospital’s pieces of equipment, devices, and staff play crucial roles during and after the surgery. In conclusion, The first step in the rhinoplasty in Iranprocedure is finding an experienced, skilled, and known surgeon who has received good reviews and a high-quality standard hospital or clinic with satisfactory types of equipment. Based on the statistics, people’s experience, and reviews, there is a higher rate of nose job in Iran, and most of the patients were fully satisfied with the final results of their surgery in Iran.

Iran Nose Job before and after

There are lots of pictorial results of the before and after nose job procedure in Iran on the Avamedi website. You can preview all of these results and obtain a better vision of the before and after of nose job in Iran. Here is the link you can click on and view:


In conclusion, Rhinoplasty in Iran is a cynosure procedure, and it has many benefits; it is trendy in Iran and Turkey. It doesn’t matter where you choose; it’s only important to have the most useful and comprehensive detailed information that leads to having the best surgery experience so that the best final result can be obtained. You will be delighted; in order to do so, the first and the most helpful step is to read different articles all across the web pages, search for the best surgeons, and choose a hospital or a clinic that provides you with the best services such as the best types of equipment. You should also consider the cost of the nose job so that it’ll be cost-effective. Based on our sayings and the guideline information we shared above, the fact is that people are much more satisfied with their rhinoplasty procedure experience in Iran. You can find the best and most skilled rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran, and the cost of the whole procedure will be more cost-effective. The hospitals or clinics are much more equipped. Finally, it must be mentioned that there is a higher rate of nose job in Iran, and most of the patients were fully satisfied with the final results of their surgery in Iran.

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erfan danesh 2
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