Bitwarden Upgrades Splunk Cloud Features

Bitwarden Upgrades Splunk Cloud Features
2 min read

Bitwarden, the leading provider of password and secret management solutions, has exciting news to share. Today, we are thrilled to announce the expansion of our Splunk integration to include compatibility with Splunk Cloud. This integration brings enhanced security and event management capabilities to organizations using both Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud installations.

With the Bitwarden Splunk integration, organizations can now leverage the power of the Bitwarden event logs app for advanced security monitoring, streamlined data access, and robust event insights. Here are some key features of this expanded integration:

1. Comprehensive event monitoring: Monitor over 60 types of events, including user activities, vault modifications, and organizational changes. This extends your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) coverage to include Bitwarden interactions alongside traditional network events.

2. Analysis and visibility: The Bitwarden event logs app provides three pre-built dashboards for authentication events, vault item events, and organization events. Additionally, you can create custom dashboards to increase operational visibility and gain immediate security insights.

3. Proactive security alerts: Set up custom alerts to proactively detect and respond to security threats. This feature enhances your ability to quickly address unauthorized access attempts or credential usage.

4. Operational flexibility and control: With self-host options for Bitwarden and Splunk, organizations have complete control over their security data and infrastructure. This empowers you to meet compliance and security requirements effectively.

5. Offboarding reports: Generate concise reports that detail the credentials accessed by former employees. This feature enhances security and control during employee transitions.

6. Real-time insights: Gain increased transparency into security and compliance management. This assists in risk identification, mitigation, and reporting.

The Bitwarden Splunk integration is now available across Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Cloud Classic, and Splunk Cloud Victoria platforms. You can access it through the Bitwarden event logs app, which can be found in the Splunk installation's user interface.

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Don Rogers 2
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