Botox Injections For Jawline Contouring

Botox Injections For Jawline Contouring
8 min read

Even the thought of having a perfectly sculpted Jawline takes your breath away. A Jawline serves another level of beauty to your face. Whether you are a man or a woman, a sharply defined Jawline is what your heart secretly desires too. Gone are the days, when wishing on a magical lamp was even a thing. That too if you have gotten lucky to find one in the first place. But in today’s time, it is all about technology. Advanced procedures and courage; to achieve everything you wish for. If you are someone with a perfect beard line. Or one who dares to wear Red Lipstick even on a rainy day. You have the courage to have what it takes! Botox in Dubai is a charm only you can wear. Give everyone a chance to drop their jaws. And get Botox Injections For Jawline Contouring. With beauty on point, nothing can stop you to take on the world.

What Are Botox Injections? 

Botox Injections have the power to work wonders inside and outside of your skin. The injections are boosters of beauty. Wherever Botox is injected, it doubles the charm. It is a completely non-invasive procedure. Botox Injections severs the purpose to lift the skin. And remodel the structure of the entire face without putting you under the knife. 

What Happens After The Botox Treatment?

Botox Injections are magic potions. You will notice an incredible transformation on your face. The jawline will be perfectly sculpted. And the contours of your face will add so much beauty to your facial profile. 

What Are The Benefits Of Botox Injection?

There are countless benefits of Botox Injections in Dubai. Read more to learn more;

  • Your facial features become a lot more prominent.
  • There is a facelift to your entire facial profile.
  • You will appear young and more attractive looking.
  • A sharp Jawline gives you the confidence to opt for bold colors of lipsticks. 
  • Or confidently show off your muscular jawline if you are a man.
  • The results are incredible. And everyone can notice the seamless extra beauty shaping your entire personality.
  • And lastly, you gain the confidence to perform a lot better in your social life too. When you know you are looking fabulous, you shine brighter.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For The Treatment?

If you are someone who wants a sculpted look. Or simply a shaper Jawline effect to really enhance the beauty of your overall face. You are definitely an ideal candidate to opt for the boldness to carry on your face.

What Are Precautions Before The Treatment?

Before heading for a minor or a even major procedure, a safety measure has to be taken. You are advised to stop the intake of alcohol. And pause smoking a week before and after the treatment. These two factors have the power to intervene in progress. So it is ideal to stay away from them for a while. Also, avoid wearing makeup on the day of the treatment. Or aggressively shaving or exfoliating your face prior to the treatment. Any rash is likely to take place. Remember, any active problem can further aggravate the situation. And is likely to develop into becoming an infection.

What To Expect During The Treatment?

Botox in Dubai is an easy procedure for both the patients and the experts. Below is a step-by-step guide to enlighten you about the procedure;

  • The first and most important step is the cleansing of the skin. It is the foundation and key step before every procedure.
  • After the initial step, your face is all nice and numbed for the treatment to take place. A numbing injection will be injected in the areas of your jawline.
  • The expert will mark a few drawings on your lower face. This is a guideline to help the expert study you. And carefully deliver the best transformation to your jaws. 
  • Now is the time when the Botox injections are going to go inside the skin. One after the other. 
  • It is a slow process. So you have to be very patient with your Dermatologist. Time-taking is a fundamental step of this procedure. This marks your own safety. And prevents any discomfort. The goal is to make this procedure a comfortable experience for you.
  • The needles that are going inside your skin are very fine. They are specifically chosen to make sure there is no scar formation on your skin.
  • After the treatment, you can lie down for a minute or two. And relax. You are also given an ice bag to gently tap on your jaws. This will help to reduce the redness on your skin. 

What Is The Aftercare For A Faster Recovery?

There is no serious recovery after the treatment. But surely, there is an aftercare you ought to take seriously for your own safety. Below are a few pieces of advice for you;

  • It is better to not excessively work with your jaws. Too much movement can eat up Botox fast.
  • It is ideal to avoid smoking or overdrinking. These two factors are rapidly going to reduce the effects of Botox on you.
  • You should avoid putting pressure on your face even when you are sleeping too. Because too much stress on the face is likely going to either dislocate the Botox in your jaws. Or simply flatten it inside the muscles.
  • Do not wash your face on the very same day of your treatment. It is also ideal to not wear any makeup or apply a chemical-based product on your face. 
  • It is best to stay indoors after the treatment. But since the treatment has no downtime. And you are allowed to go out and about your day. Wear a higher SPF. And stay clear of the sun as much as you can. 

How Long Do The Results Of Botox Injections Will Last?

The results of Botox Injections for Jawline Contouring can last for a good 6 months. Or even more than that. It all depends on your physical activities. Other than normal eating time, if you are someone who is addicted to chewing gums. The results may last for less than half a year. Eventually, you will need a follow-up session to maintain and sustain the desired results for your Jawline contouring. Read more Glutathione Injections

What Are The Possible Side Effects?

There are a few mild side effects of the treatment. Below is a brief information regarding the consideration; 

  • Some patients have reported an allergic reaction post the treatment. This is likely to happen when aftercare measures are not taken seriously.
  • Also, in a few rare cases, bleeding or injury to the muscles has also taken place. This is because only an expert is able to provide you with the expertise needed in order to prevent any danger. 

What Is The Cost Of The Botox Injections?

Botox is a treatment plan that is designed for each individual patient. You will need to sit in a few series of sessions to be able to reach your desired goals. Therefore, only an expert can highlight the exact cost of Botox in Dubai. However, the average cost of Botox Injections For Jawline Contouring treatment is estimated between AED 500 to AED 1000.

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