Defining the Top 6 Cloud Computing Services

Defining the Top 6 Cloud Computing Services
3 min read

As innovation continues to thrive throughout the information technology industry, businesses struggle to keep up with the trends. While cloud computing is not a new technology by any means, it is constantly being refined and improved. Cloud computing solutions and cloud services have shown incredible growth. Provided ‘as a service’ by vendors, private cloud hosting Toronto offer various services which could benefit your business. Wading through the numerous acronyms of services can be confusing at times. We have listed them her to help businesses understand the 6 biggest services offered.


As a Service Offerings

While it might look like code, it really isn’t. The acronyms in information technology do have meaning and are important to understand when making decisions regarding the types of services needed.


The top 6 are listed below:


  • SaaS
  • BaaS
  • SECaaS
  • DRaaS
  • DaaS
  • IaaS


SaaS – Software as a Service

This is the most common service offered. This service is a product or software application that is cloud-based. This particular service does not require the purchase of any hardware. One big benefit is the software applications can be used by any device with an Internet connection. This means Adobe’s Creative Cloud, Salesforce, Slack, and G suite are just a few examples of SaaS.


BaaS – Backup as a Service

Data is key to efficient business operations. Any information gathered on customers or which are part of work product are valuable parts of any business. It is important to back this information up in a secure location. Backup as a Service allows businesses to backup their entire systems to an offsite location which is securely managed all without needing to buy additional onsite hardware.


SECaaS – Security as a Service

Security is more important than ever for computer networks. Security as a service protects your business from cyber threats such as:


  • Hackers
  • Viruses
  • Spyware
  • Malware
  • Data Breach


DRaaS – Disaster Recovery as a Service

The world is an unpredictable place. It is important to safeguard your systems as much possible against this unpredictability. Natural disasters, such as, earthquakes, tropical storms, tornadoes, and fires, can all destroy your company’s computer network. That is why it is important to have a disaster recovery plan in place to restore lost data.


DaaS – Desktop as a Service

More than ever before, remote devices are being utilized in the workplace. It can be difficult to manage updates for all network devices. Desktop as a service can easily manage this problem, making sure all devices are up to date.


IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service

Cloud computing solutions can help secure and update network infrastructure. With private cloud providers Toronto, you can rest assured your cloud-based system is secure and operating with maximum efficiency.


When you are considering cloud computing services, look no further than Pathway Communications. We have been a leader in cloud-based solutions for years, providing the best support available. With powerful solutions for your information technology needs, Pathway Communications should be your next call. Reach out to us today.

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