DevOps-SRE Exam Questions & Answers-Latest Practice Test

DevOps-SRE Exam Questions & Answers-Latest Practice Test
4 min read

In preparing for your DevOps-SRE interview, you'll need to consider the key elements of an ideal candidate. This includes hard skills and soft skills. You should encourage the candidate to elaborate on these qualities. You'll also want to explore the candidate's knowledge of technical operations.


DevOps-SRE is the process of implementing continuous improvement and automation for a software development process. This process helps a company to streamline and automate repetitive tasks and reduce operational costs. The SRE team focuses on monitoring and maintaining system health, detecting service availability errors and performance problems, and ensuring that they are resolved in a timely manner. Its engineers apply best practices and metrics that reflect their experience and knowledge to achieve this goal.

DevOps-SRE is also helpful for disaster planning, as it helps the company to prepare for possible failures and increase the overall system's stability and capacity. The ideal SRE strategy depends on the size of the organization and the resources available to support it. DevOps-SRE can be an excellent combination for some organizations while others may benefit from a more comprehensive approach.

DevOps-SRE Exam Questions & Answers-Latest Practice Test

Process automation

The SRE position is a complex one, with responsibilities that span the engineering organization and the business. As such, the role requires a unique perspective to determine areas for improvement. Additionally, it involves maintaining a smooth relationship between departments and identifying productivity bottlenecks. Hiring managers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate these skills.

During the interview, you'll be asked several questions related to your role as a DevOps engineer. For example, you'll be asked about your experience with your CI/CD pipeline, how you support project teams, and whether you've supported DevOps in the cloud.

Version control system (VCS)

Version control systems (VCS) can make this workflow easier by allowing teams to manage changes in software. A VCS helps developers track changes and can also set rules for how the team will commit changes to the codebase. For example, you can set a minimum commit frequency or set a team style for commit messages.

A version control system maintains a long-term change history of every file, including creation, deletion, and edits. The history also contains notes about the reason behind each change. This information is important for finding bugs and other problems in your software, and if a problem is found, you can go back to an earlier version and fix the problem.

DevOps-SRE Exam Questions & Answers-Latest Practice Test

Measurement of outcomes

One of the most important elements in both DevOps and SRE is good measurement and observability. Both of these processes are heavily dependent on data to determine how well they are performing. Measurement of outcomes is particularly important in SRE, where the team works to improve systems to improve their efficiency according to SLOs (service level objectives). Whereas DevOps teams tend to focus more on system health and performance, SREs are more concerned with operational effectiveness and can use machine learning techniques to better adapt to changing circumstances.

Another key element is measurement of user experience. While traditional monitoring tools can alert you on averages and other indices, the human aspect of user experience can often be masked by these metrics. In DevOps, every interaction is crucial, since it directly impacts the quality of the user experience. Every disk, component, cloud service, API query, and microservice will affect the experience that users have of your application.

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