Dogs and cats have different dietary needs, so "to each their own kibble!"

Dogs and cats have different dietary needs, so "to each their own kibble!"
5 min read

Different protein needs

The cat is almost exclusively carnivorous (with the exception of catnip, etc.) and has an essential need for proteins that it finds in nature by eating mice, birds, etc. The daily protein requirement for the adult cat is 26% (and not far from 30% for the kitten) while for the adult dog the protein requirement will be 18% (and 22% for the puppy) Cat food will be higher in protein but also higher in fat than dog food, which means it will be much harder for the dog to digest. Conversely, the dog's food includes more cereals, cat staring which are on the other hand more difficult to assimilate by the cat.

Energy differences

Fat metabolism is also different in cats and dogs, cats assimilate fats much more easily, which become one of their main sources of energy, cat food therefore has a much higher fat content than cat food. dog food. Cat food will therefore be unsuitable for the dog, causing him digestion problems and promoting obesity if he eats it on a regular basis.


The cat needs taurine, which is an amino acid derivative. Dog kibbles have a lower taurine content than cat kibbles, which would cause deficiencies in the cat if its diet cat breath heavy consisted of dog kibbles. The cat just like the dog synthesizes taurine, but contrary to the dog, this synthesis does not represent a sufficient contribution for its organization and it is thanks to a food rich in taurine (which is in its croquettes, in mice etc) that it will compensate for this lack.

Taurine deficiency can promote blindness and heart disease.

My dog ​​ate the cat's kibble: is it serious?

If the dog has just swallowed the cat's bowl, don't panic, but just make sure to put the cat's kibble up high so that the dog doesn't do it every day. The cat's kibble being too greasy and energetic for him, this could cause him problems with obesity and digestion. Be careful if you have a puppy and he eats the cat's kibble! The kibbles of the cat more acidified than those of the dog, will be bad for its growth.

My cat ate the dog's kibble: is it serious?

As you have seen above, the cat has different or additional needs compared to the dog.
If the cat accidentally eats the dog's kibble, there is no reason to panic, the important thing is that this does not happen on a regular basis. Otherwise health problems will be favored, such as heart failure, blindness, reproductive problems.

Is the dog carnivorous or omnivorous?

There is often debate about whether the dog is carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous. This disagreement about the dog's natural eating habits also appears on animal forums.

A frequently cited argument in this context is that the type of food offered to dogs indicates to which group it belongs. This is only true to a certain extent. The pet food industry offers vegan and vegetarian foods for dogs. However, this does not mean that this feeding method is suitable for dogs, nor that it meets the real nutritional needs of our canine companions.

The same goes for dog foods that contain too much grain. Again, it would be wrong to conclude that cereals are good for dogs. In fact, too much grain in dog food can lead to significant health issues for the dog. Wheat in particular is often used to artificially fill low quality dog ​​food. However, wheat can lead to strong fermentations in the dog's digestive tract, and thus to stress for his whole organism. Ultimately, this will have a negative effect on the dog's behavior and/or health.

Just like our cats, dogs do not eat only what is good for their health. For example, some dogs eat chocolate when they get the chance, which can be fatal to the dog if it exceeds a certain amount. Indeed, the theobromine contained in the cocoa bean can significantly damage the nervous system of our beloved canine friends.

The situation is the same for cats. Paul Leyhausen, zoologist and behaviorist, already wrote about this in 2005: “If you think you can rely on your cat's instinct when it comes to food, you risk having unpleasant surprises. Unlike the rat who eats everything, and who must learn very quickly what he tolerates and does not tolerate among the variety of foods available to him, the cat often does not know what awaits him. This observation also seems to apply to dogs.

But back to the original question of whether our dear canine friends are carnivores or omnivores. If we consider the genetic origin of the dog, it is zoologically considered a predator (Carnivora).

So, are dogs carnivorous? The answer is no.


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