Earn $1 Million Per Year on YouTube With Less Than 10,000 Subscribers — It’s Possible!

14 min read

YouTube has become one of the most popular platforms for creators to build an audience and generate significant income. With over 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube provides a massive opportunity to make money by creating engaging content. While reaching 1 million subscribers is an impressive feat that few accomplish, you can start earning life-changing income on YouTube long before hitting that milestone.

In this article, we will explore realistic strategies for how creators are generating over $1 million per year on YouTube with less than 10,000 subscribers. Whether you are just starting or looking to take your channel to the next level, the tactics covered here can help unlock your path to high YouTube earnings. The key is to be strategic and optimize every aspect of the platform to maximize your revenue potential. With consistent effort and commitment to delivering value to your viewers, a $1 million income is within your reach.

Have a Clear Niche

Focusing on a specific niche is crucial for building a loyal audience and maximizing views on YouTube. Rather than creating generalized content, identify a niche you’re knowledgeable and passionate about. This could be beauty, gaming, technology, education, cooking — whatever you enjoy and have expertise in.

Diving deep into a niche allows you to understand what your target audience is looking for. You can create content tailored to their interests and needs. This helps build trust and credibility with viewers who care about that topic. It also helps your content stand out in search results so it’s easier for your ideal audience to find.

A niche provides a focus for your channel brand and content. For example, a gaming channel will attract very different viewers than a makeup tutorial channel. Catering to a niche helps attract the most relevant subscribers. They’ll be more engaged and likely to watch your content since it’s made just for them.

So do your research to identify a niche with a large and dedicated audience that is underserved. Make content specifically for them and become known as an expert in that space. This niche focus is the key starting point to building a highly engaged audience.

Create Searchable Video Titles and Descriptions

One of the most important factors for getting views on YouTube is optimizing your video titles and descriptions for search. When creating a title, do keyword research to determine terms and phrases that people are searching for related to your niche.

Make sure to include your primary keyword or keyword phrase at the beginning of the title. This helps signal to YouTube what your video is about. Then create compelling but descriptive titles using keywords that will show up in search.

For example, a title like “How I Make Passive Income Online in 2023” is more search-optimized than something generic like “My Online Business.”

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You can also include secondary keywords throughout the title, just make sure it still flows naturally. Separate phrases with dashes or vertical bars.

The description field also factors into search rankings. Write a detailed 2–3 paragraph description including your main keyword and related terms.

Make sure to describe what the video is about, not just jam in keywords. Write naturally for viewers while working on keywords and synonyms.

Having search-optimized titles and descriptions will lead to higher click-through rates when people find your videos. This signals to YouTube your content is valuable, resulting in better rankings over time.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other creators can be a great way to cross-promote your channels and expand your audience. Consider reaching out to other YouTubers in your niche and proposing collaboration opportunities, such as

Guest videos — Offer to create a guest video for their channel, or invite them to record a video for yours. This allows you to tap into each other’s audiences. Make sure to promote the collaboration video heavily on your social media.

Co-hosted videos — Record a video together where you discuss a topic related to your niche. Split the video promotion between both of your channels.

Live streams — Go live together on one channel, then switch to the other for the second half. This doubles your reach.

Playlists — Ask other creators to add your videos to their featured playlists. Offer to do the same with their content. Playlist sharing expands visibility.

Shoutouts — Give shoutouts to other creators by mentioning their channel in your videos or descriptions. Request they return the favor. Cross-promotion builds awareness.

Hashtag collaboration — Use the same niche hashtag and engage with each other’s content. This associates your brand together through your hashtag.

Co-marketing — Jointly promote special offers, contests, or giveaways. This merges your audiences during the campaign.

Strategic creator collaborations like these can significantly boost your channel’s growth and audience. But make sure to only partner with other creators who share a similar brand image and content style.

Engage Your Audience

Actively engaging with your audience is one of the most important things you can do as a YouTube creator. Make sure to ask questions, run polls, and respond to comments frequently.

Asking questions in your videos and descriptions gives viewers a reason to comment. You can ask for video topic suggestions, opinions on the content, or just ask how their day is going. Responding to comments shows viewers you care and take time to interact.

Running polls through YouTube’s Community tab, in video descriptions, or verbally in videos allows you to get direct feedback from your audience. See what types of content they enjoy most or what topics they want to be covered next.

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The more you engage your viewers, the more invested they will become in your channel. They will look forward to your interactions and feel like part of a community. This leads to higher retention rates, more comments, and increased loyalty over time.

Make engaging with your audience a top priority. Doing so will pay dividends as your channel continues growing.

Post Consistently

To build a loyal audience on YouTube, it’s important to post high-quality videos consistently. Most successful YouTubers aim to upload 2–3 videos per week. This gives viewers a reason to check back frequently for new content.

When determining your upload schedule, focus on consistency over quantity. Even if you can only manage 1 video per week, sticking to a regular schedule is key. Your audience will come to expect and look forward to your usual posting days and times.

Make your production schedule sustainable in the long term. Don’t overcommit to a pace you can’t maintain. It’s better to reliably produce 2 great videos per week than to sporadically publish 5 mediocre ones. Quality over quantity.

Schedule your recording and editing time in advance to help you stick to your goals. Batch film multiple videos in one session. Or dedicate certain weekdays to production. Treat content creation like fixed appointments in your calendar.

Staying consistent shows viewers that you are committed to regularly providing value. It helps build trust and loyalty within your community. Delivering ongoing value through videos will lead to growth over time.

Optimize Your Channel

Optimizing your YouTube channel is an important step in building your brand and audience on the platform. This includes elements like your channel icon, channel art, playlists, and more.

Channel Icon and Art

Your channel icon is the small profile picture that shows up next to your channel name and video thumbnails. This helps identify your brand and should be easily recognizable. Make sure to use a high-quality, clean image.

Your channel art is the banner that shows up at the top of your channel page. This is valuable real estate to reinforce your brand identity. Use relevant imagery, your logo, your channel name, and a brief tagline to tell viewers what your channel is about.


Well-organized playlists are a great way to keep viewers engaged. Group your content into playlists around topics, series, or formats. Give them descriptive titles and descriptions so viewers know what to expect. Playlists will make your content easy to find and binge.


YouTube allows you to organize your channel page into sections like Home, Videos, Playlists, Channels, etc. Use these sections to highlight your best content. For example, pin important playlists or popular videos to the home section for increased visibility.

Brand Consistency

Keep your branding consistent across all elements mentioned above. This includes using the same logo, colors, fonts, and messaging. Consistent branding helps build recognition and trust with your audience.

Optimizing your YouTube channel gives viewers a clear idea of your brand identity. This ultimately allows you to build a loyal audience that knows what to expect from your channel.

Leverage YouTube Tools

YouTube provides creators with various built-in tools to enhance viewer engagement and promote your channel. Learning how to properly utilize these tools can significantly boost your views, subscribers, and revenue over time.


Cards allow you to add clickable overlays on top of your videos that link to other videos, playlists, channels, websites, and more. Strategically using cards is a great way to keep viewers watching more of your content after they finish a video. You can add up to 5 cards per video, with the most important links at the beginning. Tease your best content in each card title and description.

End Screens

function similarly to cards, except they only appear toward the end of videos. Use end screens to prominently promote other high-quality videos you want viewers to watch next. Link to your most popular and relevant content here to maximize continued viewership.

Community Tab

The community tab is a highly underutilized feature that lets you post text, images, polls, and more directly to your channel. Engage your audience by regularly posting and interacting here. Ask questions to spark discussion, share behind-the-scenes content, or promote new videos. The community tab is essentially a social media feed for your channel, so take advantage of it.

Optimizing your usage of cards, end screens, and the community tab provides multiple avenues to engage viewers, promote your best videos, and drive more clicks through to your channel and website. This directly helps you generate more views, watch time, and subscribers.

Monetize Your Content

YouTube offers creators several ways to monetize their channels and make money from their videos. Here are some of the most popular and effective monetization methods:

Enable YouTube Ads

Once you hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months, you can apply to the YouTube Partner Program. This will allow you to enable ads on your videos and earn a percentage of the ad revenue.

Carefully consider the type and frequency of ads you enable. Too many disruptive ads will turn off viewers. But used correctly, YouTube ads can become a significant revenue stream.

Affiliate Marketing

Include affiliate links in your video descriptions and pinned comments. When viewers click and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

Do your research to find affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche and offer decent commissions. Be transparent and disclose affiliate relationships to build trust with your audience.

Sell Merchandise

Design t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and other items featuring your brand and channel art. List them for sale on platforms like Teespring and Redbubble. Promote your merch in videos and channel branding.

Limited edition merchandise tied to popular videos can be particularly lucrative. But make sure your main focus is creating great content rather than just pushing merch.

There are many ways for YouTubers to leverage their audience and make money from their channels. But keep in mind, that the most successful channels put creating value for their viewers first. The revenue streams will follow.

Track and Analyze Metrics

YouTube provides a powerful analytics dashboard that allows you to track a variety of metrics to assess the performance of your channel and optimize your strategy. Focus on key metrics like viewership, revenue, and audience demographics to glean insights.


Keep close tabs on watch time, views, and traffic sources. This data shows you which videos resonate with your audience, where your viewers are coming from, and how long they are engaged.

Pay attention to average view duration to see if you need to adjust video length or pacing. Check real-time analytics to see when your viewers are online and pinpoint strategies to maximize live viewers.


Monitor your earnings from ads, channel memberships, SuperChats, sponsorships, affiliate links, and merch sales. See which videos generate the highest RPM (revenue per thousand views).

Review demographic data on your top-earning viewers and maximize content for that audience. Experiment with different ad formats, placements, and lengths to optimize revenue.


Analyze age, gender, geographic location, and device data to better understand your viewers. This allows you to tailor content accordingly. For example, boost subtitles if you have a high mobile viewership.

Check audience retention reports to see where you gain and lose viewers. Adjust video style, length, and structure based on drop-off points. Pay attention to audience interests to ideate new content.

Regularly tracking key metrics provides invaluable insight to amplify viewership, revenue, and overall channel performance.

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