Effective Ways for Enhancing Main Door Security for Homes

Effective Ways for Enhancing Main Door Security for Homes
4 min read
22 November 2023

Home is a safe haven for all of us. It is the place where we have a sense of complete security for our loved ones and belongings. The front door is the primary entry point to our home. It is crucial to keep it secure. This article explores effective ways to enhance the security of our main door.

Upgrading the Locks

Upgrading your locks is a smart move. Newer door locks offer better protection. Deadbolt locks are a popular choice. They're strong and hard to pick. When choosing a deadbolt, opt for one with a one-inch throw. This means the bolt extends fully into the door frame, making it more secure. 

Consider electronic locks too. They offer keyless entry, and some can be controlled remotely. Smart locks can be managed via a smartphone app. Make sure the lock you choose is sturdy and well-installed. Weak installation can compromise its effectiveness.

Keeping Lock Hardware Safe

Your lock's hardware, like screws and strike plates, also plays a role in security. Use long screws to secure the strike plate. Short screws can easily be forced out during a break-in. Reinforce the door frame around the lock with metal plates. This deters forced entry.

If you have a mail slot, ensure it's not too close to the lock. A skilled intruder might reach in and unlock the door. Consider a mail slot hood or a box on the interior to prevent this.

Another point to remember is key control. Don't lend out keys to just anyone. Rekey your locks if you lose a key or move into a new home. This prevents unauthorized access. Keeping your locks in good condition and well-maintained is key to their effectiveness.

Fix the Door Frame and Hinges

Your door frame and hinges can be vulnerable if they're not secure. A solid door frame is important for the main door lock set to function better. If it's weak, an intruder can easily kick the door in. Reinforce it with metal plates or strike plates, and ensure it's securely anchored to the wall. 

Hinges should be on the interior of the door. If they're on the outside, they can be easily removed. A sturdy hinge with long screws adds to the security. Some homeowners also choose to install hinge bolts, which make it incredibly difficult to remove the door even if the hinges are exposed.

Inspect the door itself. If it's hollow, consider replacing it with a solid wood or metal door. These materials are much harder to break through.

Secure the Mechanism

An often overlooked aspect of door security is the door's operating mechanism. This includes the handles, knobs, and door locks. Ensure that these components are sturdy and well-attached. Intruders might try to manipulate or force them to gain entry.

Consider handles and knobs with a built-in locking mechanism. These can add an extra layer of security. Some designs make it difficult for intruders to grip and turn the handle from the outside.

If your door has a peephole, make sure it's at the right height. You should be able to see clearly through it. If it's too high or too low, it can be a security risk. Install a wide-angle peephole to maximize your view of the area outside your door.


Enhancing the security of your main door is a critical step in safeguarding your home and loved ones. Upgrading your locks at the best available door lock price in India, both deadbolts and electronic options, provides a robust first line of defense. Ensure the lock hardware, including screws and strike plates, is up to par. Strengthening the door frame and hinges fortifies your door against forced entry. Don't forget the door's operating mechanism. Sturdy handles and knobs with built-in locking mechanisms can thwart intrusion attempts. Regular maintenance and occasional upgrades will ensure your home stays well-protected.

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