Electromagnetic Induction - Best Website For Download Study Material and Notes

Electromagnetic Induction - Best Website For Download Study Material and Notes
5 min read
28 November 2023

Electromagnetic Induction

1- magnetic flux Unit and formula Weber, tesla, gauss, Maxwell, 2- dimension 3- Faraday law 4- Lenz law 5- induced emf, current and charge 6- direction of induced emf 7- magnetic potential energy 8- self-inductance Mutual inductance

What You Will Learn

· Self-inductance

· mutual inductance

· Coupling constant growth current

· decay current

· Inductance for solenoid

· Instructors

Irevize provides Electromagnetic Induction written by Dhiru Bhai Physics Wala. He has 15 Years of experience. The Quality of Irevize.com is that it has Expert and Experienced Teachers and provides Notes and Study Materials at a low cost. Our mission is that those who are not able to buy low-cost Best Website For Download Study Material and Notes and need help to get, Expert and Experienced Teacher’s Notes will help provide.

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What is electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 and described mathematically by James Clerk Maxwell as Faraday’s law of induction.

Electromagnetic induction is a current produced by a voltage output (electromotive force) due to a changing magnetic field.

This occurs when a conductor is placed in a moving magnetic field (when using an AC power source) or when a conductor is constantly moving in a static magnetic field.

As per the setup given below, Michael Faraday arranged a conducting wire connected to an instrument to measure the voltage in a circuit. Once the magnet is moved through the coiling, the voltage detector measures the voltage in the circuit.

Through his experimentation, he found that there are certain factors that affect this voltage output. they are:

Number of Coils: The induced voltage is directly proportional to the number of turns/coils of the wire. The greater the number of turns, the greater the voltage generated.

Changing magnetic field: Changing magnetic field affects the induced voltage. This can be done either by rotating the magnetic field around the conductor or by rotating the conductor in the magnetic field.

You may also want to check out these concepts related to induction:

Induction — Self Induction and Mutual Induction

· electromagnetism

· magnetic induction formula

Applications of Electromagnetic Induction

Based on his experiments we now have Faraday’s law which states that the amount of voltage induced in a coil is proportional to the number of turns of the coil and the rate of change of the magnetic field.

· AC generators work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

· The working of a power transformer is based on electromagnetic induction.

· Magnetic flow meter is based on electromagnetic induction.

· electromagnetic induction formula

Mathematically, the induced voltage can be given by the following relation:

[ e = N × dΦ / dt ]


E is the induced voltage (in volts)

N is the number of turns in the coil

Φ is the magnetic flux — the amount of magnetic field at the surface (in Webers)

t is time (in seconds)

The significance of this discovery lies in producing electrical energy in a circuit using magnetic fields, not just batteries. Everyday machines such as motors, generators, and transformers work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Did you know that when you swipe the credit card strip on the card machine, the principle of electromagnetic induction is also involved? How do you think it works?

[Hint: The strip is magnetic]

Frequently Asked Questions — Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Define electromagnetic induction.

Electromagnetic induction is a current produced by a voltage output (electromotive force) due to a changing magnetic field.

Q2. Who discovered electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831.

Q3. What is the importance of electromagnetic induction?

The significance of this discovery lies in producing electrical energy in a circuit using magnetic fields, not just batteries.

Q4. Which machines work on the principle of electromagnetic induction?

Everyday machines such as motors, generators, and transformers work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Q5. What are the applications of electromagnetic induction?

  • · AC generators work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
  • · The working of a power transformer is based on electromagnetic induction.
  • · Magnetic flow meter is based on electromagnetic induction.

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