Eligibility Criteria for a UAE Employment Visa

2 min read

Working in the UAE would be a dream for many people, as it has several benefits. The salaries are tax-free, and the employees can get housing allowances, education allowances, and medical allowances. The country follows a zero-tax policy for employees.

One must get an employment visa in the UAE to work in the country. There are several criteria to follow to get a work visa. Firstly, it is obvious that you must hold a valid job offer letter from a big company to work in the UAE. Or else the employer must have registered the employee details in the Companies Representation Services UAE.

The people who are applying for work visas in the UAE must undergo medical tests. The medical test report that was taken recently must be submitted along with the visa application. The employee must take medical tests for infectious diseases, including hepatitis, HIV, and TB. The medical report must state that the employee is medically fit.

Security clearance is also a necessary step in getting an employment visa to work in the UAE. The company undergoes a background verification check for its employees. The background check is mandatory for all employees, especially those who have previously worked in the government sector or defense.

The educational qualification is a necessary document for work visa processing. If the employee is going to work in the healthcare or educational sectors in the pro service UAE, then this document is compulsory.

To work in the UAE, a good conduct certificate is a mandatory document. The conduct certificate must be issued by the government of the employee's origin. Without the good conduct certificate, the UAE will not process the employment visa for the employees.

What if you are unaware of the process?

Plus UAE will help you get the work visa by submitting the documents on your behalf. We will tell you about the required documents for visa processing. If you are about to start a business branch in the UAE and if you require any business advice regarding the risk factors in localities or whether your trade will make profits in certain places in the UAE, you can call us for consultation.

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