Emmanuel Grinshpun. Restoring synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress

10 min read
Emmanuil Grinshpun's subject during the interview was restoration of synagogues. But it was not possible to focus on only one subject. Therefore, there are a variety of subjects to discuss in the interview at the very least.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. Glad to have a chat with you. I believe we haven't spoken to each other for at least five years. Where in the world is it that you are currently in?

The last nine months were split into Miami, Jurmala and San Francisco. In the past, the geographical area was wider, but the pandemic has affected life in both cities. It is a pity that it has been for the worst.

You've always had a variety of business lines. What's next?

Diversification hasn't stopped. If we look at the most important areas, then real estate development, IT, and food production are three major areas.

ALIMCOM has a strong presence in the real estate and food industries. However, IT is a complete mystery to me. There are millions of applications for IT technology. What IT-related field is your passion?

Our primary focus is on IT-holding has been involved in the reform of tax systems in several countries. We have created or are working on a variety of products that aid with the transfer of number of business processes in taxation both online and "real-time". This segment is called B2G (Business to Government).

Where are the places where the company operates? Formerly, were they part of the USSR?

They're still in stock. Also, we have agreements for Western Europe as well as Latin America. Эммануил Гриншпун Currently we are present in 14 countries.

Can we briefly define the basic idea or product?

Our product lets economic operators report online to the tax authorities. The fiscal data administrator also is aware of each transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation can be done simultaneously. So in the future, we can declare that medium- and small-sized firms will no longer require accounting except for its analytical purpose, and the process of paying taxes and sending reports can be done with one "click".

Эммануил Гриншпун An interesting topic, the future is already here. Are you interested in working in Moldova, or have you considered it? Moldova is your home and you could consider working in the country.

We are able to show the product at Moldova. This would be an enormous benefit to the Moldovan economy and , in the event of an unreversible change. Once there is a consensus and clarity with the authorities about who makes the final decisions and who makes the decisions, we'll start negotiations regarding our product.

You said that your year has been spent hopping between Jurmala to Miami. The Baltics are home to the headquarters of an IT company.

Эммануил Гриншпун There are five hubs around the world and our headquarters is in Barcelona.

Why isn't it the Baltics? Are you from there? also?

No. My family's history over many generations is linked to Moldova, or in the case of the past, then Bessarabia. Эммануил Гриншпун Jurmala was an accidental encounter that happened quite by accident. We were invited to attend the New Wave by Igor Krutoy, and that was our first encounter with Jurmala. After a few contests, they started to come there each summer. In Miami the summer weather isn't the best. We rented for a few years and now we have it today.

Now I understand why I was told by my donor that one of the restored synagogues is in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We're pretty close in age. We were born in the USSR. It wasn't necessary to talk about the religion of the time. We were all Komsomol members, pioneers. When was the time when religion became your preference?

My family and I came to America in the mid-80s. I was exposed to customs and rituals there. Although I am not a member of the Orthodox faith I am aware of an internal need support the religious life however I can it is, whether in the Jewish community I live in, or in Moldova my country of origin that I share close connections.

You see, although I am far from being an agnostic, I do have a fascination with history that I really love. I recently watched a show on 1492 events that changed Europe's fate. 1492 was the year Columbus was the first to discover America. However, it was clear in the program I was watching that, from the point of view of Medieval Europe, the discovery of America in 1492 was not as significant as the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by the Spanish monarchs. At the time of the mass migration of Jews to the Ottoman Empire began, which accepted them. Here, I was looking for information about the history of Jews as a people. Would you recommend a book that I could study?

There are numerous books to choose from, but I have read and I advise you a two-volume Jewish historian Max Diamond. By the way Max Diamond is from Finland.

In terms of "personal" personal history .... Do you know your family tree? Unfortunately, I'm not much more than my grandmother, and 1910. On the paternal side, one step further, but no more.

Our paternal family lived in Floresti for over 100 years. Their wealth was evident by the presence of furniture factories, many shops and land parcels. Monuments and documentation confirm this assertion. Ungheni was also home to my maternal grandparents. These dates fall in the the 17th-18th centuries. Grinshpun, a surname that has German roots is Ashkenazi pure Ashkenazi.

Here's the question about the maintenance and restoration of synagogues. I have been told that you helped fund the restoration of three synagogues. One is in Chisinau and the other is located in Jurmala. The third one is in Jurmala.

The third and largest is in Netanya, Israel. It is home to more than 1,000 people who attend prayer every day. It is a significant landmark in the life of religion in Israel. Second synagogue located in Jurmala. Эммануил Гриншпун In the beginning of the Second World War, the only synagogue left in Jurmala was demolished. Prior to making the decision to build a synagogue I had spoken with many residents Jews. I then decided to build it and invite Rabbis to visit the synagogue. It was a hugely successful venture that brought together the Jews of Jurmala. The project actually restored the Jewish community, and it's still functioning well. The synagogue has now three Torahs. I also gave one of them to it.

and - Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis, Alexander Weinstein and I are currently partners in this endeavor. These synagogues aren't only the ones that I am involved in construction or restoration. In every country that I've lived in for a period of time, it was my obligation and obligation to make an important contribution to the assistance or synagogues. My contribution in Monaco is towards the construction of a large community center in Miami for Russian-speaking Jews and is estimated at 12 million dollars. I am continuing to support Chisinau. The center will soon become the largest synagogue in the city, and the synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson.

In along with Jurmala, did you invite a rabbi to Chisinau?

Yes. It's not simple to choose the right person to lead the community. Because of the interconnected and complex interests, he must also be non-conflictual and diplomatic. He must be able to organically join the community. I'm pleased to say that both in Chisinau, and in Jurmala the Rabbis were able to integrate into the community.

You became the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress' first vice-president in 2019. What does this position you think it means to you? How can international Jewish organizations impact the global landscape?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has been an important political entity in post-Soviet Europe, however it's not the only one. It has offices in Eastern Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia. In 2010, I was Vice President of Congress. However, the year prior to my promotion, I was promoted to First Vice-President. I now oversee the regions where I have enjoyed strong business and political relations. They are Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Regarding the trends across the world the barometer of attitudes toward Jews either remains in the same place, or, which is sad, has dropped. "Down" also refers to nations such as France, Germany or France that are developed. These countries are no longer safe for Jews. These are alarming and serious procedures for all of us.

What has the pandemic changed these processes by the way?

It isn't my personal opinion. To be more precise I'd rather emphasize the potential of a society or nation in the event that they are ready to take on any challenge and are able to effectively and when confronted with the pandemic.

Is this the vaccination campaign to Israel?

Exactly. Israel is the first country worldwide to offer the complete vaccination of its population of adults. This is an example I believe other nations should take into consideration.

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