Essential Home Cleaning Tips this Winter Season

Essential Home Cleaning Tips this Winter Season
4 min read

With the changing season, you should also change your cleaning routine. During winters, people spend plenty of their time indoors, leading to increased foot traffic, dirt and dust particles.

Moreover, since winter is the holiday season, you might have guests and friends visiting. This further leads to extra cooking and extra cleaning. However, cleaning the entire house on your own can be challenging and sometimes, even a single room becomes hectic. To make seasonal cleaning a breeze, hire residential deep cleaning services from Maid in Nola to get the job done.

If you want to carry out the cleaning yourself, here is a checklist that you must integrate into your daily cleaning schedule.

Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen, the focal point of the house, is a place where maximum cleaning is required because everyone gathers there as soon as they are home from work or school. Winter itself means mud and entering the kitchen with muddy shoe prints will only worsen things.

Cooler weather also means you do not often go outside for food. You spend more time indoors, which means more cooking and dirty kitchen surfaces. Dedicating a few minutes to cleaning after every meal can help tidy up the place.

Follow these three simple tasks after every meal.

  • Clear and wipe down counters.
  • Scrub the washbasin.
  • Sweep floors for crumbs.

Bathroom Cleaning

The bathroom should be the first place to clean as it is the most important space in your house, regardless of the season. In addition, it’s the place you go to every morning to prep for the day so it must be cleaned regularly.

Follow these steps every day to make your bathroom spotless:

  • Clean counters.
  • Wipe down shower walls after bathing.
  • Scrub the sink.
  • Change the hand towel every three days.
  • Clean the toilet with a good cleaning agent.

Living Room Cleaning

The living room is the most used place during the winter as all family members cozy themselves up there around the fire pit. Unfortunately, with increased usage, the living room quickly collects a lot of clutter.

Snacking on the couch is common during a family night or weekend, leading to more spills and stains. So, stay on top of the tidy look by following this easy checklist:

  • Pick up clutter.
  • Spot clean spills and stains.
  • Put pillows in their place.
  • Wipe TV screens with a clean cloth.
  • Freshen the upholstery.

Bedroom Cleaning

Nights become longer and days shorter during the winter season so make sure your bedroom is always clean and tidy for unwinding at night. Some people sleep with the windows open throughout the summer season. If you keep them closed in the fall, you will notice and pollens accumulating on your bedroom surfaces.

Following these tips can help you keep your bedroom clean:

  • Make your bed every morning.
  • Wash bed sheets weekly.
  • Clean and rotate mattresses once every two months.
  • Dust ceiling fans.

Exterior Cleaning

Cold weather can have a negative effect on your home if you do not pay attention. Winter is the time when you do not need your patio and deck furniture. So, keep your furniture packed up in the storeroom and spruce up the space.

Follow these home exterior cleaning tasks to cope with the fall:

  • Clean out gutters.
  • Rake leaves.
  • Power-wash windows and panes.
  • Clean patio and deck furniture, and store it safely.
  • Inspect and clean your furnace and chimney before use.

Inspect and clean your furnace and chimney before use. Maid in Nola is a leading cleaning company that offers professional cleaning services in New Orleans. If you need a helping hand in cleaning your house so that you can focus on other tasks, feel free to call us.


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