Exploring Kikar Wood Price in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know

Exploring Kikar Wood Price in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know
3 min read


In Pakistan, Kikar wood holds a significant place in the timber industry, renowned for its quality, durability, and versatility. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of Kikar wood, its pricing dynamics in Pakistan, benefits, and practical applications.

What is Kikar Wood?

Kikar wood, scientifically known as Acacia nilotica, is a hardwood species native to the Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan. It is characterised by its dense grain structure, strength, and resistance to decay, making it suitable for various construction and woodworking applications.

Understanding Kikar Wood Price in Pakistan

The price of Kikar wood in Pakistan is influenced by several factors:

  1. Quality and Grade:

Kikar Wood Price in Pakistan is available in different grades based on factors such as colour, grain pattern, and freedom from defects.Kikar Wood Price in Pakistan have Higher quality grades command a premium price in the market.

  1. Supply and Demand Dynamics

 Fluctuations in supply and demand, influenced by factors such as harvesting regulations, construction trends, and economic conditions, impact the pricing of Kikar wood.

  1. Market Location: 

Prices may vary across different regions of Pakistan due to transportation costs, local demand, and availability of alternative wood species.

  1. Processing and Treatment: 

Processed or treated Kikar wood, such as kiln-dried or pressure-treated variants, may have higher prices compared to raw or untreated lumber due to added value and durability.

Benefits of Kikar Wood

  1. Durability:

 Kikar wood is highly durable and resistant to decay, making it suitable for outdoor applications such as construction, furniture, and fencing.

  1. Strength:

 Its dense grain structure imparts exceptional strength, making it ideal for load-bearing structures and heavy-duty furniture.

  1. Versatility:

Kikar wood can be easily worked on with standard woodworking tools, allowing for versatile design possibilities in carpentry and joinery projects.

  1. Natural Beauty: 

The rich colour and grain patterns of Kikar wood add aesthetic appeal to finished products, enhancing the visual appeal of furniture, flooring, and decorative items.

Practical Applications of Kikar Wood

  1. Construction:

 Kikar wood is used in construction for framing, flooring, doors, windows, and roofing due to its strength, durability, and resistance to moisture.

  1. Furniture Making:

 It is a preferred choice for crafting high-quality furniture pieces such as tables, chairs, cabinets, and beds, owing to its aesthetic appeal and longevity.

  1. Fencing and Landscaping

Kikar wood is used for fencing, decking, and landscaping projects in both residential and commercial settings, providing privacy, security, and aesthetic enhancement.


Kikar wood stands as a testament to Pakistan's rich natural resources, offering unmatched quality, durability, and versatility in the timber industry. Understanding its pricing dynamics, benefits, and applications is essential for stakeholders in construction, woodworking, and related fields.


  1. Why is Kikar wood popular in Pakistan?

Kikar wood is popular due to its durability, strength, and versatility, making it suitable for various construction and woodworking applications across Pakistan.

  1. How does Kikar wood compare to other hardwood species?

Kikar wood is comparable to other hardwood species in terms of strength and durability, but its unique grain patterns and natural beauty set it apart, making it a preferred choice for furniture and decorative items.

  1. Are there any environmental considerations associated with Kikar wood harvesting?

Sustainable harvesting practices and reforestation efforts are essential to mitigating the environmental impact of Kikar wood harvesting. Responsible forestry management ensures the long-term sustainability of this valuable natural resource.


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Sana Keshwar 2
Joined: 1 month ago
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