Exploring The Top 7 Services Offered By Visa Consultants In Jalandhar

Exploring The Top 7 Services Offered By Visa Consultants In Jalandhar
5 min read

The roles and responsibilities of a visa and an immigration consultant are very similar to each other besides an immigration professional can preferably be considered as someone who predominantly deals with the border range of issues that an immigrant might face while relocating.

However, the job of a visa consultant is confined to the prospects of visa applications and the processes involved. Normally, they deal with temporary visas such as Work visas and study or tourism visas. So, if you hire them, you can have your complete visa solutions in one place.

Overview Of The Visa Application Process

Although a visa expert will take care of common legal stages involved in your visa application process, you also need to know briefly about it to avoid negligence.

  • Choose your visa type as per your requirements and the purpose of your visit.
  • Go online and file your visa application form by providing accurate information as per the standard visa policy.
  • Check all the documents and paperwork necessary for the visa application and arrange those sequentially.
  • You will find an option where you fill in a specific date and time for booking an appointment for your nearest visa application center visit.
  • Now, you are left with paying your visa fees for which you can choose either net banking or a bank cheque.
  • Submit all the details and print your submission receipt with you as proof.
  • Prepare all the necessary paperwork along with your valid passport to carry on the date of appointment at the Visa center.
  • You will have to submit your identity proof with biometric details including your documents at the center.
  • Lastly, you will get notified within a week or two about your approval or you can also check online with your application tracking number.
  • In case of application approval, you will be informed whether or not an interview round is required. If so, then you can either schedule your interview as per the consular timeframe.
  • After all of that, you can track your status and collect your passport and visa from a nearby Visa application center.
  • The entire visa application process will take an average of 7-10 days to complete according to the interview scheduling and your profile.

Facts You Should Know About A Visa Consultant Before Hiring

There are a number of things you should understand before hiring a professional visa expert for you.

Certifications And License

A licensed visa consultant must be a holder of a full-time degree either related to international laws and affairs or a diploma in immigration rights and policy. It tells about their skills and level of understanding in the specific domain.

Knowledge And Expertise

These can only be checked either by actively conversing with them or examining their past track records.

Professional Experience

They should have a proven experience related to the work they are doing. A portfolio and a high-ranked website can be suitable indicators for this.

Service Charges

There might be no bar in charges they demand but it has to be reasonable and explainable with the services they are offering.

Problem Solving And Communication Skills

A visa consultant without problem-solving skills is like a doctor without medical proficiency. Visa experts should have a positive approach toward problems and actively participate.

Top 7 Services Offered By A Professional Visa Consultant

Here are the top 7 services that you can get from a visa consultant;

Active Counseling

It is ranked number one among other services. In terms of visa consultation, active counseling is defined as coming up with solutions that can satisfy the government policy and your requirements.

Paperwork And Visa Application Analysis

All of your legal paperwork will be reviewed and analyzed carefully before submission so that mistakes will be avoided.


The complete candidate’s profile will be evaluated and well-presented for better understanding and avoiding visa rejection causes.

Handling Legal Issues

The visa process involves legal formalities of both the government embassies so there might be challenges and expertise required to handle such issues in a more professional manner.

Query Resolution And Support

Your all queries regardless of the nature and depth will be resolved immediately and the 24/7 support won’t be taken casually.

Interview Scheduling

After filing, if the interview is one of the requirements, then it will also be scheduled and prepared by the visa consultant. So, you don’t need to take the burden for these.

Tracking And Keeping You Updated

Your visa application will be tracked and analyzed constantly and keep you updated throughout the process.

Final Thoughts

There are multiple services offered by a professional visa consultant, all should be matched with your requirements and legal laws. However, their primary goal is to make your visa application experience hassle and stress-free.

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Visa 24 Services 2
Visa 24 Services is an India-based visa consulting firm in Jalandhar with over two decades of experience, providing services for students, businesses, and touri...
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