This is the academic era where colleges are intended to build a ‘complete student’ who goes the extra mile from just academics. Being one of the established Tamilnadu polytechnic colleges, Elumalai Polytechnic College well understood the key role of extracurricular activities in the life of a student during his studies in the polytechnic college.
How does the exposure that falls out of the academic curriculum nurture the students? Find it here.
Extracurricular Activities
Having some of the best extracurricular activities in the college days of students far goes in bringing them the benefits. Typically, these activities are offered in many forms such as sports, science, music, etc. To put it simply, they are ‘outside’ of the syllabus, yet, have a considerable role in the future of students.
As listed as the top of the best polytechnic colleges Villupuram, we emphasize encouraging students to develop their interests apart from academic education. We achieve them through our list of activities such as:
- CIICP – Short-term courses
- Physical education – Outdoor & indoor games and sports activities
- NSS – Undertakes various programs such as planting trees, nutrition programs, etc.
- NCC - Develop leadership qualities, commandership
- YRC – Conducting awareness programs
We conduct all the above activities to make sure to have a core focus on the student level and increase their learning and development. No matter, if you are a student studying for a diploma in civil engineering or any specialization, you should be involved in extracurricular activities.
Exploring the benefits
⮚ Since extracurricular activities are done in coordination with a group, students will interact with others and gain better communication skills.
⮚ Learn new skills which would stay with the students for a lifetime
⮚ Gives a healthy break from regular academic work and gives a boost to the mind
⮚ Cultivates great opportunities for leadership qualities
⮚ Enables accomplishing goals with better confidence
Overall, extracurricular activities will help in nourishing the personal as well as academic development of diploma collage students.
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