A forklift is the working horse of any warehouse or a larger scale of operation. When it's time to buy one or to expand your existing roster, you know you are on the way to success. Forklifts enable a company to transport heavy goods, load and unload trucks and stack supplies in a heartbeat. With speed, reliability and horsepower behind them, our modern warehouses and logistics cannot function without forklifts. With plenty of models to choose from, it can be a bit tricky to find the one for you, but we are here to help.
1. Access your budget
Before you make any decision, you should consult your budget and accountant. Choosing the most expensive option is not always the best course of action. Whatever the most expensive forklift on the market is at the moment of writing, it may not offer the best performance-to-investment ratio. Getting your RoI out of forklift purchase is paramount, as you are looking at a medium to long-term investment.
Your budget first dictates your options, and the budget can narrow or expand them. Remember that you could have amortisation funds that can contribute to your future purchase, government subsidies and low-interest loans if you are looking for that extra boost to your budgeting.
2. Lift and reach
Do you need a heavy-duty, industrial-grade, high-performance monster of a forklift, or are you in the market for a lightweight, fast and agile one? Forklifts come in all shapes and sizes, and this adaptable piece of industrial equipment can be anything your business needs. Its lifting capacity can go from several hundred kilos to tons, depending on your business type.
How far up can the forklift reach is a crucial factor when considering its weight limit. If your warehouse or field of operation has multiple layers it needs your equipment to reach, then the answer is clear. Operating in tighter spaces may not need your future forklift to lift high.
3. Old vs new
On the topic of budgeting, it's worth knowing that you have options. RoI is your best indicator of what you should do. Sometimes you get a short spike in production, where it's feasible to opt for a quality and durable forklift for hire in Sydney, rather than spending your money on a brand-new forklift. Depending on the situation, you can also buy used forklifts, in which case you need a trusty mechanic to inform you. Since it's your money involved, you want to get the best deal possible.
Always put your interest first, and don't be afraid to consult or delay a purchase. Forklifts are a large and lasting investment, where such a vital piece of machinery is responsible for keeping your business running. Buying new, old or rent are three great alternatives for you to adapt, where your current business situation, budget and other factors make the decision easier for you.
4. What makes it tick?
Among many factors, you can consider, the forklift fuel type is also an important factor in the overall equation. Forklifts of today can be electric, diesel or gas-powered. Electric forklifts may be a bit more expensive up front, but they require charging as the only additional expense. You don't have to bother with changing their gas tank or filling them up, and there are fewer hazardous liquids involved.
The only downside is that you have to keep an eye out for the battery capacity, as it can run during your shift and cause a hold-up. Gas and diesel are always available, with tech that's well-established in the field. Gas or diesel power forklifts are a bit cheaper to get in the start, but the continuous costs of refilling and maintaining them add up over time.
5. The overall maintenance cost
You will be using your forklift for a long time. Accidents, malfunctions, wear and tear, mishaps, bumps and other unfortunate events will happen. Besides them, you will also have regular maintenance costs, if you wish for your forklift to last. Each model, depending on the type and year, has its necessary and regular maintenance costs involved.
Plenty of companies ignore or try to reduce their maintenance. The result may provide short-term profits, but these will melt away with future costs. Machines break down and malfunction, unless they are maintained. No matter what forklift you opt for, they all need to be properly taken care of.
And there you have it, the best criteria to filter for your future ideal forklift. Whether you are getting your first one or you're expanding with more, it's always a great occasion when you are moving up! Forklifts are there to carry you along the way, ensuring you prosper once more. Any decision and upgrade you make, will cascade and lead to more good news along the way! We wish you all the best for years to come.
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