Food Storage Warehouse Protective Lining

Food Storage Warehouse Protective Lining
5 min read
06 December 2022

We use a coating from the range, from Builders Solutions it to protect surfaces and keep sugar free of contamination in the facilities that the company owns in the city. To get best services and products for Civil Works Contractors.

The multinational company, headquartered in, is the world's largest sugar producer.

In this type of food production industries, hygiene and food safety follow strict regulations. In general, companies that operate in the food sector demand high performance from construction materials. As well as from the machinery used in their production processes.

The Waterproofing in The Warehouse

It has provided for a series of regulations that impose restrictions on the use of raw materials for the formulation of materials intended to be in contact with products for food use.

If Regulation specifies the manufacture, sale and marketing of materials and objects intended to meet food products. Which, due to their composition or the migration of their components. Make the food products harmful or dangerous, or may modify the organoleptic characteristics of food.

Regulation restricts the use of certain epoxy derivatives in materials and articles intended to meet foodstuffs.

Regulation establishes a positive list of substances can use that in the manufacture of plastic products intended to meet foodstuffs. And describes the simulants to use in migration tests to demonstrate compliance.

A Thorough Analysis Helps Prevent Risks

To choose a correct solution. One of the main steps is to collate and document the technical requirements. That it will have to meet during its service life.

In the case of choosing a protective coating for use in the food industry. Aspects such as the application method considering the working conditions. And its parameters of temperature, humidity, mechanical and chemical resistance. Possible cleaning, and maintenance cycles. They are essential for a correct choice.

Likewise, as we mention, in the food industry it is completely necessary to comply with the guidelines contained in the regulations applicable to the sector. The correct choice of the solution translates into a significant reduction in the costs associated with maintenance.

Detail of the result of the waterproofing:

Priority: Fast And Reliable

Civil Works Contractors

It has a sugar production and refining plant. In the storage facilities store the product temporarily before proceeding to its packaging, for shipment, or further processing. These sugar storage facilities, with a capacity of 30,000 tons, require a new protective and waterproof coating. The surface to treat is 4,200 m².

Along with a large number of requirements based on the particularities of the installation, its needs and application conditions, it is important to highlight two key criteria requested by the plant management:

Speed ​​in the execution of the works with the aim of minimizing the downtime of the storage facilities. Coating in accordance with community regulations for products in contact with food.

The Builders Solutions: Specially Designed for The Food Industry

The Builders Solutions consists of a monolithic coating system perfectly adhered to the support. Applied without joints or overlaps, a system made up of an initial vapor barrier. To counter act the indirect pressures of rising humidity in the concrete from the ground, the primer and finally the coating certificate for contact with food products.

Deposit With Applied Deposit with Applied   

A polymeric synthetic coating formulated on an epoxy-polyamine base without aromatic amines. The main characteristic of is its certificate according to Regulation for contact with products for food use. Align with the regulation in terms of plasticizers used in synthetic materials intended for contact with food.

It does not give off any kind of taste. And is particularly compatible with containment elements for wine, vegetable oil, cereal and grain silos, sugar, or water.

Applies And Deposit

We can apply it manually by brush or roller in a minimum of 2 layers. Or by means of a specific bicomponent product spraying machine. In the latter case the application can be done in a single layer.

In addition to the continuous protective and waterproof coating system applied on the surface. The solution requires previous work to prepare the support, treat joints, transits, gutters, and other metal elements.

The result of the application work is a coating with high chemical and mechanical resistance with a smooth and satin surface that is quick and easy to clean.

Application With Qualified Personnel

Given that food safety is at stake in this type of work. The risks that we can find are various. Such as contamination, toxicity, or alteration of the characteristics of the food. So, the success of the solution not only depends on the appropriate choice of products.

But also, in the application of the same by highly qualified personnel. Who take care of the preparation of the support. The quality of the mixture, take care in the application? Considering the different drying times and safety aspects.

Top Company For: Construction companies in Lahore


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James Urso 2
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