From Nuisance to Peace: Managing Possums in Canberra's Urban Landscape

From Nuisance to Peace: Managing Possums in Canberra's Urban Landscape

Canberra, the capital city of Australia, boasts a unique blend of urban development and natural surroundings. However, this harmonious coexistence is occasionally disrupted by the presence of possums. While these furry creatures are an integral part of Australia's ecosystem, their activities in urban areas can cause disturbances and conflicts with humans. In this blog post, we will explore the challenges posed by possums in Canberra's urban landscape and discuss effective strategies for managing their presence. By understanding their behavior, implementing preventative measures, and utilizing humane removal techniques, we can foster peaceful coexistence between possums and the residents of Canberra with the help of Possum Removal Canberra services.

I. Understanding Possum Behavior

To effectively manage possums in Canberra's urban landscape, it is crucial to understand their behavior and habits. Possums are nocturnal creatures that primarily feed on leaves, flowers, fruits, and nectar. They are excellent climbers and are known for their ability to jump from tree to tree. In urban areas, possums often seek shelter in roofs, attics, and sheds, making them a common nuisance for homeowners.

Possums are territorial animals, and they mark their territory using scent glands located on their chests. During the breeding season, which typically occurs from May to August, possums may become more aggressive and vocal as they defend their territories and search for mates.

II. Preventative Measures

Prevention is key when it comes to managing possums in urban areas. By implementing a few simple measures, homeowners can greatly reduce the chances of possums invading their properties:

1. Secure Access Points: Seal any gaps or openings in the roof, walls, or eaves that may serve as entry points for possums. Use sturdy materials, such as wire mesh or metal, to prevent their access.

2. Prune Trees and Vegetation: Trim tree branches that overhang the roof to discourage possums from accessing the property. Additionally, keep vegetation away from walls and fences to minimize their climbing opportunities.

3. Remove Food Sources: Possums are attracted to food scraps and fallen fruits. Ensure that outdoor garbage bins are tightly sealed, and regularly clean up fallen fruits or food debris from gardens and outdoor areas.

4. Install Possum Boxes: Providing alternative shelter options, such as possum boxes, can entice possums to inhabit these designated areas instead of seeking refuge in homes.

III. Humane Possum Removal 

Despite our best efforts, there may still be instances where possums need to be removed from properties. It is crucial to prioritize humane methods that do not harm these protected wildlife creatures. Here are some effective and ethical possum removal techniques:

1. Seek Professional Assistance: In cases where possums are causing significant damage or pose a safety risk, it is advisable to contact a licensed wildlife removal expert. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to safely trap and relocate possums, ensuring their well-being.

2. Temporary Exclusion Devices: One humane method of possum removal is by using temporary exclusion devices, such as one-way doors or escape tubes. These devices allow possums to exit a building but prevent their re-entry. Once all possums have vacated the property, seal the entry points permanently.

3. Repellents and Deterrents: Natural possum repellents, such as predator urine or strong-smelling substances like garlic or peppermint oil, can be used to deter possums from specific areas. However, it's important to note that these deterrents may require regular reapplication.

4. Educating the Community: Raising awareness about possum behavior and the importance of coexisting with wildlife can go a long way in reducing conflicts. Community outreach programs, workshops, and educational materials can provide residents with information on possum management and the steps they can take to minimize encounters.


Managing possums in Canberra's urban landscape requires a balanced approach that considers both the needs of the residents and the welfare of these protected wildlife creatures. By understanding possum behavior, implementing preventative measures, and utilizing humane removal techniques, we can foster a peaceful coexistence. Possums play an important role in maintaining biodiversity, and their presence can be a reminder of the unique wildlife that thrives in the Australian capital. Through responsible management and respectful cohabitation, we can transform the perception of possums from a nuisance to a symbol of harmony in Canberra's urban landscape.

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