Garage Door Supply 101: Don't Get Locked Out by These Common Mistakes

Garage Door Supply 101: Don't Get Locked Out by These Common Mistakes
6 min read

Choosing the right garage door and opener for your home is an important decision. A high-quality garage door system will provide safety, security, and convenience for years to come. Making the wrong choice, however, can lead to frustrating and costly problems down the road. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you get the perfect garage door supply for your needs the first time.

I. Do Your Research

With so many brands, materials, styles and features to consider, it pays to do your homework before choosing a new garage door. Visit manufacturer websites, read reviews, talk to friends and neighbors, and consult with reputable garage door suppliers to understand all of your options. Key considerations include:

  • Door material - Steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and wood each have pros and cons. Consider noise, insulation, durability, and maintenance requirements.

  • Door style - Carriage house, raised panel, flush, and contemporary designs provide different aesthetics. Make sure it fits your home’s architecture.

  • Insulation rating - Higher R-values mean better insulation from heat and cold. This is especially important for attached garages.

  • Special features - Windows, decorative hardware, arched tops, and other options can enhance curb appeal.

  • Automation - Keypad entry, WiFi connectivity, battery backup, and other innovations add convenience.

  • Warranties - Look for generous coverage of all parts, labor, and service.

Doing your research up front ensures you select the perfect garage door for your needs and budget.

II. Hire a Pro for Installation

It may seem tempting to install a new garage door yourself and save on labor costs. But unless you're extremely handy, it's worth hiring a professional installer. Proper garage door installation is tricky business, requiring expertise and special tools to get everything level, secure, and operating smoothly.

DIY installation often leads to:

  • Improperly balanced doors that won't open or close properly

  • Misaligned track that causes excessive wear and tear

  • Incorrect wiring that prevents the opener from functioning

  • Loose or improper weathersealing that allows dust and moisture inside

Professional installers have the skills and experience to handle the job right the first time. They can get your new door and opener working flawlessly and provide proper adjustment and maintenance instructions. Don't risk installation mistakes that can void warranties or require expensive repairs down the road.

III. Schedule Routine Maintenance

Like any mechanical system, garage doors and openers require periodic maintenance to stay in peak condition. Make a point to do at least an annual safety inspection and tune-up. Review the owner's manuals and schedule maintenance appointments to:

  • Test the balance, alignment, and lubrication of moving parts

  • Inspect cables, rollers, and mounting hardware for signs of wear

  • Check opener reversing mechanisms and force settings

  • Confirm photoelectric eyes and door sensors are clean and aligned

  • Test battery backup systems on openers

  • Update to the latest firmware and software

  • Check for signs of damage, rust, or other deterioration

Proactive maintenance helps avoid unexpected problems, extends the life of your system, and ensures everything continues working safely for your family. Don't wait until there's an issue to call a garage door company for service.

IV. Update Safety Features

Advances in technology have made modern garage doors much safer than those of the past. Make sure your family's protection measures up to current standards by having safety features inspected and updated as needed. Some key improvements to ask your garage door pro about include:

  • Photoelectric sensors that detect objects in the door's path and trigger an automatic reverse if needed.

  • Edge sensors that immediately stop and reverse the door if resistance is detected.

  • Code-compliant opener side, rear, and top force settings to avoid injury if contacted.

  • Secure wall-mounted remotes and keyless entry systems to prevent unauthorized operation.

  • Upgraded tracks, rollers, and hardware to reduce noise and wear.

  • Battery backup systems to operate the door during power failures.

  • Monitored smart garage door systems that alert your phone of activity.

Routine updates to safety systems protect your investment and provide peace of mind knowing your garage door is as safe as possible for your family and belongings.

V. Choose a Reputable Garage Door Company

Your choice of garage door professional is almost as important as your choice of door. With thousands of parts working precisely in concert, it's critical to have an experienced and skilled technician handle any repairs or maintenance. Be sure to:

  • Find a company with a long track record in your area.

  • Verify they are licensed, insured, and bonded.

  • Ask for references and check their reputation with organizations like the Better Business Bureau.

  • Make sure they stock a wide selection of name-brand parts and materials.

  • Inquire about warranties and guarantees for both parts and labor.

  • See if they offer service and support 24/7 for emergencies.

Taking the time to choose the right garage door company means you'll have an expert resource to rely on when you need them. They have the expertise to diagnose issues accurately and the inventory to fix problems promptly.

Choosing the optimal garage door system for your home is exciting. Avoid headaches by doing thorough research, hiring professional installers, maintaining properly, upgrading safety, and finding a reputable local company. If you invest the time upfront to make the best choices, you'll enjoy years of trouble-free convenience and security. With helpful experts guiding you each step and providing prompt service when needed, you can look forward to smooth, safe garage door operation.

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