Garbage Disposal Myths Debunked by a Drain Cleaning Company in Miami Dade

Garbage Disposal Myths Debunked by a Drain Cleaning Company in Miami Dade
6 min read

Garbage disposals, those handy kitchen appliances we rely on to whisk away food waste, are often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Many homeowners are still determining what should or shouldn't go down the disposal, how to maintain it, and what practices to avoid.

Fortunately, many drain cleaning companies in Miami Dade have exposed common garbage disposal myths and provided practical solutions to protect your drain from clogging and pipes bursting.

10 Garbage Disposable Myths Debunked by a Drain Cleaning Company in Miami Dade

Myth #1 – Garbage Disposals Need to Be Sharpened Periodically

Contrary to popular belief, garbage disposals do not have blades but grinding teeth. These teeth spin in opposite directions to break down the material you put down the drain quickly. So, don’t put solid foods down the disposal as it won’t sharpen these teeth. This will only wear them out sooner and reduce the disposal's lifespan. So, resist the urge to "sharpen" your disposal.

Myth #2 – Get Rid of Smell with Lemons

When your disposal starts emitting unpleasant odors, the go-to solution many household owners do is to drop a lemon in the sink. While the citrussy smell may temporarily eliminate odors, it's not the best approach.

The acidity of lemon juice can cause corrosion, harming the disposal's metal components. This approach inadvertently shortens the disposal's life. Moreover, getting rid of the smell might give you the wrong idea that your disposal condition is good.

Myth #3 – Using Hot Waters Can Clean the Drain

There's a common belief that using hot water with your disposal helps liquefy fats and grease, making them easier to dispose of. Moreover, prolonged exposure to high temperatures may weaken or warp PVC or older metal pipes, which can cause leaks or pipe failure.

However, in the case of fatty foods, a drain cleaning company in Miami-Dade suggests using cold water. Pouring down cold water keeps the foods solid, making grinding easier. Plus, it prevents these substances from adhering to the sides of your plumbing lines.

Myth #4 – Fiber-Rich Vegetables and Fruits Won't Harm the Disposal

While a few pieces of corn or oatmeal grains will only partially harm your disposal, over time, they can accumulate and cause problems. High-fiber vegetables and fruit pits can stick to the grinding teeth, impeding smooth operation and potentially leading to clogs. To avoid this, rinse dishes with leftover food directly into the disposal and scrape food scraps directly into the trash can.

Myth #5 – A Clear Drain Isn't Clogged

Be aware of a seemingly clear drain. Just because water flows down without backing up doesn't mean your garbage disposal is free from clogs. These clogs could be lurking further down your pipes, and they may lead to serious trouble if addressed.

So, if you are suspicious that your drain is clogged, call a professional drain cleaning company in Miami Dade. These professionals will inspect the pipelines with camera crawlers to see if maintenance is required. 

Myth #6 – Sending Flour Down the Drain is Okay

When combined with water, flour expands and forms an adhesive mixture that can stick to the grinder at your disposal, hampering its performance. You might have also seen these two ingredients swelling during cooking. So, if they are mixed with other garbage disposal waste, they can create stubborn, non-dissolving blockages that may require emergency plumber intervention.

Myth #7 – Ice Will Clean the Garbage Disposal

Many believe tossing ice cubes into the disposal and running it can help sharpen the blades or remove debris that may be stuck on them. Firstly, garbage disposals do not have blades. Secondly, ice is ineffective for sharpening grinding teeth or impellers.

These components are typically made from durable materials like hardened steel or alloy, and ice is not abrasive enough to sharpen them. So, take the advice from a drain cleaning company in Miami Dade and avoid doing this.

Myth #8 – Eggshells Won’t Damage the Garbage Disposal

Many people mistakenly believe that eggshells are harmless for garbage disposal. However, crushed eggshells can create problems by causing blockages due to their sharp edges and sticking to the disposal's components, reducing efficiency. It's best to avoid putting eggshells down the disposal to prevent the damage. Instead, you can toss them in the trash or compost them.

Myth #9 – Store Bought Cleaners are the Best Cleaners

Lastly, another popular myth is that store-bought liquid drain cleaners are safe and effective for unclogging drains. However, these cleaners can be so powerful that they eat away the clogs and pipes.

Furthermore, these chemical cleaners are highly toxic, posing health risks if inhaled and even burning your hand if mishandled. A better alternative recommended by a drain cleaning company in Miami-Dade is to use a plunger or homemade solution (1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar) to unclog the drain.

Myth #10 – Grinders Can Deal with Every Type of Food

It's a common misconception that food waste can go down the disposal, but this is not entirely true. While garbage disposals can handle a variety of food scraps, some items should be avoided to prevent clogs and damage.

Food remains like potato peels, coffee grounds, rice, bread, bones, nuts and shells, onion layers, eggshells, and grease can gum up or clog the in-sink machine. Garbage disposals use advanced grind technology to efficiently process food wastes, including leftover meals, meat, fruits, and vegetables. However, items like flour, pasta, bread, macaroni, and pastries are better suited for your kitchen trash.

Wrap Up

Although they may seem simple, garbage disposals are surrounded by myths that can cause inefficiencies, damage, and potential dangers. We've dispelled these myths and discovered the proper dos and don'ts of maintaining a healthy garbage disposal because of the information provided by a drain cleaning company in Miami-Dade.

By understanding the mechanics of your disposal and following practical guidelines, you can ensure its longevity and optimal performance while reducing the likelihood of plumbing issues.

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