Getting A Dental Implant In London, What You Need To Understand

Getting A Dental Implant In London, What You Need To Understand
5 min read

When you have gaps from missing teeth, it can affect how you bite and change your face look. It might make you feel not so good about your smile. If you decide to fix the missing teeth, your dentist might suggest fake teeth connected to your jawbone using a dental implant. Dental implants in London are like fake tooth roots put in your jawbone through surgery. 

Different Kinds Of Dental Implants In London 

There are two main kinds of dental implants in London:

1. In The Bone (Endosteal)

These are the most common dental implants and look like tiny screws. They are made up of safe materials like titanium.

These implants go deep into the jawbone during surgery, replacing tooth roots. Just one implant can support one tooth or several teeth.

2. Subperiosteal (On The Bone)

This special kind of implant is chosen when there isn't enough strong jawbone to support a certain type of implant.

Instead of drilling into the jawbone, these implants go under the gum and are put on top of or just above the bone, not inside it.

Plan For The Surgery And How You Get Better.

The process of getting dental implants in London takes a few months and involves different steps. It might take around 3 to 9 months to finish. You'll work with various dental experts, like a gum specialist (periodontist) and a mouth surgeon, to complete the treatment.

1.  Evaluation 

The first thing we'll do is look at your teeth, gums, and jawbone. We want to see if your jawbone is strong enough to support the implant. If it's not, we might suggest a bone graft or another procedure before starting the dental implant process. Your gums should be healthy too, without any gum disease.

Dental implants are a solution for replacing one or more missing teeth. The number of teeth you want to replace will affect how we do the procedure.

The surgery for dental implants is usually done as an outpatient procedure. You might have local anesthesia, IV sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on what's best for you. Your specialist will tell you in advance which type of anesthesia is needed.

2. Putting In The Implant:

If you go for an endosteal implant:

  1. The oral surgeon will cut the gum to uncover the jawbone.
  2. Deep holes will be drilled into the bone to insert the implant post.
  3. If you want, a temporary denture can be placed over the hole for looks until the permanent tooth is attached to the implant.

3. Osseointegration 

Osseointegration is a process that happens after you get a dental implant. It takes about 2 to 6 months for new bone to grow around the screw of the implant. Osseointegration means the implant is joining up with the bone.

While osseointegration is going on, your natural jawbone gets stronger and wraps around the dental implant. This makes sure the implant stays put and acts like the root of your fake tooth.

4. Abutment Placement

Abutment placement is when a metal extender, called an abutment, is added to the dental implant. This can happen either during the first procedure or in a second, smaller procedure with local anesthesia.

The abutment is like a connector that attaches the replacement tooth to the implant.

If the abutment is added in the second procedure, the surgeon might need to make a small cut if the gum has grown over the implant. This is because a healing cap is put on the implant after it's placed. While the cap protects the implant, it also stops tissue from growing over it.

It takes a few weeks for the gums to heal after the abutment is placed.

5.  Placing The Teeth 

Putting in the new tooth happens after you've healed. The dentist will take a picture of your teeth to make a permanent replacement that fits perfectly. This replacement can either stay in place or be taken out.

If you choose a removable tooth, it gets attached to a metal frame and connects to the abutment. You can take this type of tooth out at home for cleaning every day.

If you choose a fixed tooth, it gets permanently glued or screwed onto the abutment.

Once it's all done, tell your dentist if your mouth feels weird or if you have:

  •  Ongoing discomfort
  •  Serious pain
  •  Bleeding
  •  Swelling
  •  A bite that feels uncomfortable

Cheap Dental Implant Cost In London Ontario:

The cost of a cheap dental implant in London, Ontario is different in different cities. A cheap dental implant in London Ontario costs from $4500 to $5500 depending on the number of teeth needed to replace the lost one and their quality. In critical cases, dental implants in London, Ontario cost may even rise.


Cheap Dental implants in London, Ontario are like strong screws put in your jawbone to hold artificial teeth in place. It takes a few months to finish the process, but once it's done, the new teeth look real and can stay in your mouth for a long time, like many decades.

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Nataliya Ann 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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