Groom's Getup: Men's Beach Wedding Outfit Essentials

Groom's Getup: Men's Beach Wedding Outfit Essentials
4 min read
28 December 2023


A beach wedding is a unique celebration, and as the groom, finding the perfect outfit is a delicate balance between style, comfort, and appropriateness for the seaside setting. Whether you're exchanging vows with the ocean as your backdrop or dancing under the stars on the sand, your attire should reflect the laid-back elegance of the occasion. In this guide, we'll explore the essential elements that make up the groom's perfect beach wedding ensemble.

1. The Linen Suit - A Timeless Choice:

At the heart of a beach wedding outfit lies the linen suit. Timeless and effortlessly chic, linen is the fabric of choice for seaside celebrations. Opt for a light-colored suit in shades like beige, tan, or soft blue. The breathable nature of linen ensures you stay cool in the sun, making it the ideal foundation for your groom's getup.

2. Shirts for Seaside Sophistication:

Pair your linen suit with a well-chosen shirt to complete the ensemble. Crisp white shirts are a classic choice, providing a clean and polished look. For a touch of personality, consider pastel shades or subtle patterns. Short-sleeved or rolled-up sleeves add a casual flair, perfect for the relaxed atmosphere of a beach wedding.

3. Nautical Accents - Subtle and Stylish:

Embrace the coastal theme by incorporating nautical accents into your groom's getup. Navy blue blazers, striped shirts, or accessories with anchor motifs can add a touch of maritime charm without overpowering the look. Remember, subtlety is key; aim for a refined nod to the theme rather than an overly thematic appearance.

4. Bottoms: Chinos for a Relaxed Elegance:

For a groom who wants to strike a balance between formal and laid-back, chinos are an excellent choice. Pair them with a well-fitted shirt for a polished yet relaxed look. Chinos come in a variety of colors, allowing you to coordinate with the overall wedding color scheme while staying true to the beachy vibe.

5. Footwear - Stylish and Sand-Ready:

Selecting the right footwear is crucial for a beach wedding. Traditional leather shoes may be impractical in the sand, so opt for alternatives like loafers, boat shoes, or stylish sandals. Not only are these options more suitable for the setting, but they also contribute to the overall casual elegance of the groom's ensemble.

6. Play with Colors - Beyond the Basics:

While classic colors like white and beige dominate beach wedding attire, don't be afraid to inject a splash of color into your outfit. Pastels, soft blues, and light grays can add vibrancy and personality to your groom's getup. Ensure that your chosen colors complement the overall wedding theme and harmonize with the natural beach surroundings.

7. Accessories - Finishing Touches Matter:

Elevate your beach wedding outfit with carefully selected accessories. A lightweight silk or cotton pocket square can add a touch of sophistication to your suit. Sunglasses not only make a stylish statement but also serve a practical purpose under the sun. Consider a classic watch or subtle leather bracelet for a personal touch that doesn't overshadow the overall ensemble.

8. Weather-Ready Attire - Prepare for the Elements:

Beach weddings often involve unpredictable weather, including sun, wind, and potentially cooler evening temperatures. To be prepared, consider bringing along a lightweight blazer or shirt that you can easily put on or take off as needed. This ensures that you remain comfortable and stylish, whatever the weather may bring.


In conclusion, crafting the perfect beach wedding outfit men involves a thoughtful selection of elements that balance style, comfort, and appropriateness for the setting. The linen suit stands as a timeless choice, offering both elegance and breathability. Pairing it with the right shirt, incorporating subtle nautical accents, and choosing chinos for a relaxed elegance are key considerations. Footwear should be both stylish and sand-ready, while playing with colors and adding thoughtful accessories can inject personality into the ensemble. Lastly, being weather-ready ensures that the groom remains comfortable and composed throughout the celebration. With these essential elements in mind, the groom is poised to make a stylish and memorable statement on this special day by the sea.

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Jason Lackson 2
Joined: 9 months ago
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