Hedonic adaptation is a mechanism by which we can either adapt to a situation in a positive way. Or we can fall into a wheel of non-conformity. Most advertising aims at making us believe. That every thing we need is purchasing that product. ( We offer professional treatment with satisfaction at Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore. )
Hedonic Adaptation
When speaking of hedonic adaptation. Refers to the ability of the human being to adapt to different situations. Whether they are positive or negative. However, although it sounds attractive, in reality, it can become a trap.
Hedonic adaptation can generate a dependence on certain activities. Just as a drug would. This would prevent us from enjoying our daily life. More it requires that the doses of said activity continue to increase.
Euphoria Passes
The psychologists were the ones who studied this phenomenon and gave it its name. Illustrating it with the case of someone who wins a lottery. And can live as they always dreamed of. The danger of this is that after a while. When the period of euphoria passes. Those who experienced that happiness for having won the lottery. Will return to their previous emotional state of having won the prize.
Indifference Towards Our Purchase
The same happens with other matters. For example, when buying a product that we want. It can be a phone, a bag, an article of clothing. A technological device with the latest generation. A vehicle or even a house. At first we will feel a lot of emotion and joy. But after a while, due to the hedonic adaptation mechanism. We will begin to feel indifference towards our purchase and our new objects.
Hedonic adaptation offers the idea that the happiness of a subject. After an event in his life, positive or negative. It tends to return to the point where he was before the experience.
Wheel Of Dissatisfaction
Likewise, hedonic adaptation is related to another psychological phenomenon. The so-called conspicuous or competitive consumption. This means that an individual may want to maintain a social status. In her environment and falls into that wheel of dissatisfaction.
Psychological Mechanism Of Hedonic Adaptation
The psychological mechanism of hedonic adaptation is proof. That buying does not make people happier. Since after obtaining what they want. Another need will arrive to take that place. And the individual will remain as dissatisfied as they already were.
Hedonic adaptation, also called the hedonic wheel, often compares human behavior to that of a hamster running inside a wheel. But it doesn't matter how fast it goes.
This has led various scholars to conclude. That human beings are not capable of achieving lasting well-being. Based on external stimuli, due to their greedy nature.
Loss Of Interest
According to writer and philosopher. Instead of feeling satisfied, we feel bored and, in response to reluctance, we get busy forming new, even greater desires.
Evolutionary instinct makes the brain reward a pleasurable sensation. Just like an addict getting an instant fix of what he wants.
But, as with addictions, when the immediate fulfilment mechanism satisfied-consuming sugar. Going shopping, or another desire arrives. To take the place of the previous one and the cycle begins again.
Positive Impact Of Hedonic Adaptation
When negative events occur. Hedonic adaptation could have a positive impact. Since the person, after the anguish. Could adapt and rethink their life. In fact, the brain is the one that configures so that. Through hedonic adaptation, the human being can survive complex situations.
Receive Dissatisfaction
However, must take care not to fall into the wheel of dissatisfaction. And come to believe that buying a house, a car, getting a higher salary. Getting married, winning the lottery, among others, are the end point of happiness.
Therefore, it is advisable to take any type of situation that arises in life with serenity. If you receive good news, you can celebrate. But without thinking that it will totally change your life. Or that it will bring permanent happiness.
In the same way it happens with problems. It must keep in mind. That, it is possible to get ahead and thanks to the ability of the brain, through hedonic adaptation.
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