You must have heard of the commonly-said maxim “Content is king!" Indeed, it is. Sadly, many novice digital marketers take blog SEO so seriously that they remain more focused on their frequency. In reality, a low-quality blog is enough to destroy the brand's reputation. If you take a little initiative to fully capitalise on blogs, it can maximize the SEO results and take them to the next level. This article gives a more detailed analysis of how blog optimization aids in boosting blog SEO results.
Blogging To Boost SEO!
Today, almost every company has a blog on its website. Unfortunately, very few of them use proper on-page blog SEO techniques. Even if they often add blogs, unless they are done properly, they will never increase organic visibility, increase internet traffic, or list on Google pages. These diminish the ability of blogging to raise blog SEO. For proof of the advantages of well-written blogs for SEO, read this article.
· Experimenting with the keyword on different pages help
Are you scratching your head thinking about - how to optimize blog posts for SEO? Keywords strategy holds pivotal importance here! Let's assume your website sells clothing accessories. You already designed the best-optimized landing pages with the primary keywords. Still, it may result in low organic traffic. But why? The problem is there are a thousand business websites that have incorporated similar keywords on their landing and product pages.
Here blogging helps because it provides the opportunity to experiment with most search terms and things such as long-tail keywords which are convincing for higher SEO ranks. Blogging is a proven way to incorporate these targeted keywords.
· Blogging leads to updated and active websites.
Audiences will likely turn away from websites with outdated information that are not active. If you want to boost visibility, blogging is an efficient way to keep websites alive. It’s a heck of a task to update the home pages. Instead, you can provide fresh content with blogs.
A recent case study confirms that effective blogging strategies can result in a 106% rise in Google Organic Traffic in just 6 months.
· Fresh content impact users' time
Suppose in the first search clicks, the user didn’t find their answer. It seems Google wasn't helpful to them. Although ‘Dwell time’, the time audiences will spend on your websites, is not a ranking factor for Google, it impacts the position of business websites to some extent.
Viewers who reach your website from a blog because they find it relevant will surely stick with it for a longer time. You can also try incorporating long-form blog posts to list your website links on the first page of Google.
· Invite opportunities to acquire backlinking
In order to boost the SEO results, backlinking helps with off-page SEO. Here, frequent blogging makes the process of acquiring backlinks easier. It is an interactive way to build connections with readers. When your website gets higher views, leading businesses will likely approach you for strategic business.
· Great internal linking of your websites
Internal links result in better navigation, spreading ‘link juice’, and maintaining website hierarchy. How do you develop internal linking strategies….? It may seem harder in the beginning phases, but blogging will help to uphold a seamless flow in your business pages.
· Ensure indexed web pages
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