Astanga Vinyasa Yoga, for those unversed, will feel like a rigid, highly structured, and disciplined form of Yoga. Promoted generally as one of the most difficult forms of Yoga, it is the one which calls for very strict and hardcore exercises. But there lies enlightenment in this form. And what better a journey than being a part of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh?
This piece delves deeper into all the benefits you can avail yourself of by joining the Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training and the world of Ashtanga Yoga as a whole.
- Base foundation for all sequences
In Ashtanga Yoga, you get to learn all the basic, foundational poses, which you can later build up a whole Vinayasa Yoga class. Most Vinyasa Yoga Class sequences have their roots in Ashtanga Yoga. It generally starts with some Sun salutations (like Surya Namaskar) as warm-ups, then standing poses ( Uttasansa or Tadasana) and seated poses (Pashchimouttasana or Matsyasana), and closing poses at the end.
It's like learning an instrument; you start with the seven sounds, then the scales so that at the end, you can play a fine tune.
But keep in mind that Ashtanga calls for very specific and special training, and you can not perform the same with just Vinyasa Teacher Training. So, you should try your best to join an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, if there is an opportunity open.
- Gain a home-ground
Ashtanga is a very rarely practiced niche. You can find hundreds of institutions, studios, and teachers out there to choose from for Vinyasa Yoga. But only a few, a minimal number, must be teaching Ashtanga Yoga. So, as a teacher, with Ashtanga Yoga, you can stand out. You can offer something more valuable and carve a niche for yourself too.
3- The Improvement leap.
Opting for Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training, Rishikesh, you can build upon the foundation strongly. This will help you create and practice your own sequence set of Yoga. Meaning you never have to take another Yoga class again unless you want to. Even if you do not want to teach Yoga, this can be an invaluable experience in the path of cultivation and knowledge.
Again, it will allow you to improve on a deeper physical level. You also get to focus on a few key poses, so tracking your progress is very, very easy. This can be very motivating for you as a learner and for your learners too.
4- Sustainable
As a teacher, Ashtanga Yoga is a very sustainable option for you. You do not have to spend long hours planning for the next session with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Unlike other Yoga, it focuses on exploring the depth of a pose than diverse poses in practice.
This also prevents mental burnout for both students and teachers. So, if an opportunity presents itself, attend Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh.
With these many benefits, it is sufficient to say that nothing as a Yoga Practitioner and instructor will enhance your profile and journey better than Ashtanga Yoga. So, what are you waiting for? Join Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh and explore a new way of life.
If you are a yoga instructor or want to be one, look no further than the Rishikesh Vinyasa School. Here, you will learn not only the basic and advanced yoga positions but will experience a spiritual life like never before. So, what are you waiting for? Join us now. For any further questions, queries, or concerns, do reach out to us at @+91-6395949067 or write to us
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