How can you market yourself as a lawyer?

How can you market yourself as a lawyer?
6 min read


If you're a lawyer, you know that marketing is important. But if you're not familiar with the term "marketing," don't worry: I'll explain what it means in this article. Then I'll give you tips on how to market yourself as an attorney so that people want your services!

Know who your clients are.

When you are marketing yourself as a lawyer, you need to know who your clients are. You need to know what they need, what they're looking for, and how their pain points can be solved by using your services. Your target audience should be very specific in terms of location and demographics.

You also want to know what they are doing now (and not doing) or spending money on that helps them solve the problem at hand.

Find out where your target customers or clients are hanging out.

To find out where your target customers or clients are hanging out, you can use a variety of methods.

  • You can do an online search for "lawyers" and see what comes up. If you're looking for reviews from clients, look at Yelp or Google Reviews as well as Facebook groups like "The Best Lawyers in Your City."
  • You can also visit local bars and restaurants that cater to lawyers (or other professionals). Keep an eye out for signs that indicate where people who work in law offices hang out after work—this could include happy hour specials or special discounts on food and drinks!

Write about what you know.

The first thing you can do is write about what you know.

This applies to your area of expertise, as well as topics that are relevant to your area of expertise, trending topics and controversial topics.

Speak at conferences and on podcasts.

Speaking at conferences and on podcasts can help you build your personal brand.

It’s easy to see how speaking at conferences can be a great way to boost your profile as a lawyer, but what about the other side of things? What are the benefits of getting involved with podcasts?

Establish yourself as an expert.

Being an expert is important for two reasons. First, it helps set you apart from other lawyers and gives you credibility with clients. Second, being an expert makes it easier for people to trust that what you say is true and accurate. If you can show that you have expertise in your field of law, then people will be more likely to listen when they hire you as a lawyer. This can help them feel confident about working with their legal issues without having any concerns about whether or not they're going into someone who knows what he or she is doing (or worse yet...not).

Create relationships with potential clients and customers.

  • Create relationships with potential clients and customers.
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field, and make sure people know it!
  • Use social media to connect with potential clients, including LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Email marketing is another great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. You can send out emails that include useful information about yourself or the law office itself (for example: "We're hiring!").

Embrace video marketing like a boss.

Video marketing is the new way to reach out to potential clients. It’s easy, it’s simple and it can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field.

For example, one of my favorite law firm digital marketing solutions fanwood examples is when I was hired by a client who needed me to handle his divorce case after he lost his job. He had been looking for an attorney for months but couldn't find anyone who seemed interested in helping him out until he came across my website and saw how much work I had done with other individuals facing similar issues like him (and now we're friends). The fact that this client found me through video advertising is impressive because there were no other ways he would've known about me unless someone else told him about me first!

You can find clients for your law practice by establishing yourself as an expert who is easy to work with.

You can find clients for your law practice by establishing yourself as an expert who is easy to work with.

  • Share your expertise on social media and in online forums.
  • Offer free advice on legal topics that people are asking about, such as how to deal with divorce or move out of an apartment.
  • Get involved in online communities and discuss relevant topics with other members so they know you're an expert in the field.


I hope that this article has given you an idea of what it takes to market yourself as a lawyer. You can choose to do any of these strategies, or combine them into your own unique package that works best for you. Whatever path you choose, remember to always be honest with clients when they ask how much money they’ll have to pay in order for their case to be handled by someone else. The more transparent you are about costs upfront, the better off everyone will be at the end of their relationship—you included!

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