How Does Invisalign Work and What Are Its Function?

How Does Invisalign Work and What Are Its Function?

A set of thin, clear aligners called Invisalign is worn across the top and bottom teeth. Orthodontics in Menlo Park will supply various sets of aligners for patients to wear during their scheduled treatment, if selected by the patient.

Each set of aligners in a series applies regulated force to teeth, progressively straightening your smile and correcting bite problems over time, much like metal braces do. But the primary distinction with Invisalign clear aligners in Palo Alto is that it does not require any elastics, brackets, or wires.

Generally, it takes 12 to 18 months to get the desired outcomes, but it all relies on your unique circumstances. For instance, it can take six months for patients with mild crowding and no biting issues to get their smile corrected, while it might take a year or more for others.

1. Feel free to consume the foods you enjoy

You may have heard that there are restrictions on what you can and cannot eat when wearing traditional metal braces. Chewy, sticky, or crunchy foods are generally best avoided if you have brackets or wires that could break.

There are no breakable metal parts and the aligners with Invisalign are removable. This means that you can consume popcorn, caramel, and corn on the cob without discomfort or concern. It's crucial to keep in mind that professionals will advise you to thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth after eating in order to avoid any discoloration of the aligners when they are replaced.

2. Maintain good oral hygiene

It is much easier to complete regular duties like flossing and brushing at least twice a day when there are no wires or brackets partially obstructing your access to your teeth. By cleaning in between each tooth to get rid of food residue and plaque, you can also lower your risk of getting cavities.

To keep your clear aligners from growing bacteria or discoloring, you must clean them at least twice a day, just like you would your teeth. To make it easier to remember, experts advise you to try lightly brushing and rinsing them off while you are brushing your teeth.

Cleaning your clear aligners entails:

• Rinsing them with warm water (never boiling or too hot).

• Brushing them gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that doesn't scratch your teeth.

• Rinsing them thoroughly once more after brushing.

• Storing the aligners in a case to keep them safe when eating or drinking.

3. Modestly adjust your teeth

Are you ashamed that your braces are visible in your graduation pictures or that they are making people uncomfortable when you give a presentation at work? Most people won't see Invisalign clear aligners unless they are inspected closely because they don't stick out as metal braces do.

Lucas Adams is the author of this Article. To know more about Orthodontics in Menlo Park please visit the website.

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Mid Peninsula Orthodontics 2
Visit us at Mid Peninsula Orthodontics for Invisalign and clear aligners in Menlo Park or Palo Alto. Our expert orthodontist Stacey D Quo DDS, MS will be happy...
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