How long will my landscape curb last?

How long will my landscape curb last?
6 min read
23 November 2022


Landscape curbing is a great investment that lasts a very long time and keeps your landscaping looking sharp. In this article, we'll show you how to prolong the life of your landscape curbing installation by doing things like using high-quality concrete and keeping it clean. We'll also talk about why you might need to repair or replace some parts of your existing system after it has been installed for 25 years or more!

Concrete landscape curbing will last a very long time, typically 25 years or more.

Concrete landscape curbing is a durable material, so it's likely to last you a long time. It can be installed in any type of ground—even clay or sand—and will withstand the elements. The concrete itself is made up of cement, water, and sand mixed together in proportions that produce a solid product.

You may wonder why you'd want to install concrete curbing instead of some other type of edge treatment like stone or metal fencing. The reason is simple: durability! If you've ever tried installing metal fencing yourself (or had someone else do it), then you know how hard it can be if not done right. So why not just use this kind of durable material instead? You'll also save money by avoiding having to hire someone else to do all those pesky little details like digging holes for posts/stakes into your yard every few feet along each side where there isn't room for them inside your fence line.

You can do a lot to prolong the life of your landscape curbing installation.

  • Keep it clean. Dirt and grass clippings can damage the surface of your landscape curbing, especially if they accumulate over time. To prevent this from happening, keep your lawnmower away from the installation and use a high-quality mulch that doesn't contain tree seeds or bark fragments (which will cause more wear).
  • Don't use it as a snowblower or skateboard ramp. While these uses are fine in moderation, they can cause additional damage to your installation by breaking off pieces of concrete that fall into the ground below—and then getting stuck there! If you have kids or pets who like playing outside with an old tire lying around on top of their driveway (or anywhere else), be sure not to let them help themselves when using this surface for something else—they could easily get hurt by falling debris from above before anyone notices what's going on below us humans sitting up here reading about all these details about our beautiful creation called Earth!

A curbing system is not maintenance-free, but it's pretty close.

A curbing system is not maintenance-free, but it's pretty close. The best way to keep your curbing in good shape is by keeping the area around it clear of debris and grime. You'll also want to clean the surface periodically with a mild detergent solution and water, then apply a coat of wax or oil on top after drying out (depending on what type of material you're using). If there are any cracks in your ground-layer's workmanship, they should be repaired immediately by an expert landscaper or contractor before they become too big or dangerous for use.

Sometimes your systems may need some sort of repair.

Repairing landscape curbing is not difficult and can be done by anyone with basic tools. However, it's best to have a professional do the repair as soon as you notice a problem. A concrete contractor will be able to fix your curbing quickly and properly, which will save you money in the long run because they won't need to replace the defective parts later on.

Edging that is professionally installed can help protect your investment in your landscaping, keeping it looking sharp for decades.

Edging is a great way to protect your investment in your landscaping, keeping it looking sharp for decades. It can also help prevent erosion and keep your landscaping looking sharp for decades.

Edging is not just for looks; it's also functional, as well! You may choose to use edging that is made from concrete or brick pavers, but there are many different options available when selecting the right material type at home improvement stores or online retailers such as Home Depot or Lowe's. You need to trust on professionals like Concrete Landscape Edging Hanover for getting the best results. 

Landscape curbing is a great investment that lasts a very long time and keeps your landscaping looking sharp.

When you choose landscape curbing, you're investing in a great long-term investment that will last for decades. Landscape curbing is not maintenance-free but it's pretty close. Professional installation of edging can help protect your investment in your landscaping, keeping it looking sharp for decades.


The best thing about landscape curbing is that it doesn’t wear out. Even after a few decades, you can still use your curbing system as long as it hasn’t been damaged by weather or vandalism. There are several ways to prolong the life of your installation, such as regularly applying sealant and maintaining clean edges around your lawn edges.

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