How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needed?

How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needed?
10 min read

How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needed?

Cryolipolysis, or "fat freezing," is a nonsurgical fat reduction technique that destroys unwanted fat cells in targeted areas. It first gained FDA approval for treating the flanks and abdomen in 2010.

CoolSculpting uses paddle-like applicators that hold your body between them as they cool to a temperature that destroys fat cells. The process typically takes about 35 minutes to one hour and 15 minutes per area treated.

What is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is a treatment for fat reduction that freezes your body’s fat cells, so they die and are naturally eliminated from your body. It doesn’t hurt your skin or other tissues, and it is an alternative to liposuction.

When you have too much fat, it can contribute to health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can also affect your self-image.

The good news is that you can reduce your body’s subcutaneous (around the skin) fat and visceral (inside your abdomen, thighs, and hips) fat with cryolipolysis unlike liposuction, which targets the fat under the skin, cryolipolysis is designed to reduce small pockets of fat that are closer to the surface of your skin.

During the procedure, a practitioner vacuums the skin above the area of fatty tissue into an applicator that cools the fat cells. During this process, the cold temperatures numb the skin and some people feel a cooling sensation.

In the weeks following the procedure, your body gradually eliminates the injured fat cells. During this time, the treated area shrinks by about 20 percent on average.

Ideal candidates for cryolipolysis are healthy adults with minor to moderate localized pockets of fat that persist despite diet and exercise. They want to reduce these areas and do not wish to undergo a surgical procedure, such as liposuction.

For most people, it’s possible to reduce the size of their fatty bulges with cryolipolysis alone. However, some people may need several sessions to reach their desired result.

This procedure can be effective in reducing fat in many areas, including the chin, love handles, abdomen, and thighs. It can also improve the appearance of cellulite, but results are more dramatic in people who have a higher level of fat in their treatment areas.

The procedure is safe and typically has a low risk of complications. It’s a good alternative to liposuction and requires no recovery time, so you can return to work or other activities immediately.

The number of sessions required depends on the amount of fat that needs to be removed. It’s best to discuss this with your doctor.

How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needed?


How is Cryolipolysis done?

Cryolipolysis, also called CoolSculpting or fat freezing, is a nonsurgical body contouring treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat cells. It is FDA-approved and has been used worldwide for over 1 million procedures.

Your doctor places two paddles, called applicators, on the area of your body that needs to be treated. The paddles cool rapidly and then are left in place for 35 minutes to one hour and 15 minutes, during which time they destroy about 20%-25% of the fat cells in that area.

In the weeks and months after your cryolipolysis treatment, the injured fat cells are gradually eliminated by your body. This causes the fatty bulge to gradually get smaller and slimmer, but it takes 4 to 6 months for the fat to fully disappear from the body.

The procedure is safe and effective, with few risks and side effects. You'll have a little redness, swelling and a slight tingling sensation after the procedure, but they usually go away within a few days.

You don't need to have any skin problems or other health conditions, but you should be at a stable weight and free of cold-related diseases, such as cryoglobulinemia (an autoimmune disorder that damages red blood cells in response to exposure to cold temperatures) or paroxysmal cold urticaria (red itchy spots that develop on the skin after exposure to cold).

It is important to note that cryolipolysis does not target visceral fat, which is located deeper than subcutaneous fat and can contribute to several serious medical conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. If you are overweight, you can improve your health by losing weight and exercising regularly.

People who are close to their ideal body weight but have stubborn, pinchable fat bulges that cannot be reduced by diet and exercise are good candidates for cryolipolysis. It is also an excellent option for people who are trying to achieve a more toned, contoured body and are not ready for surgery.

How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needed?


What are the risks of Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is a new type of body contouring treatment that uses freezing temperatures to kill fat cells. It doesn't burn or extract any tissue, but destroys fatty bulges that can't be eliminated with diet and exercise alone. The treatment is gaining popularity because it's noninvasive, has few risks and can produce results faster than invasive procedures such as liposuction.

Your doctor places a device that holds your target area between two paddles and cools them to about -70°C. The paddles remain in place for about 35 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, destroying about 20%-25% of the fat cells in that area.

After the treatment, your immune system naturally clears the dead cells from the area over a few months. Some of these cells are broken down by the liver, but others go to the kidneys and are excreted.

The procedure may take several sessions, depending on how much fat you have to lose and what areas your doctor thinks are best treated. You will work closely with your doctor to develop a plan and a set of treatment sessions that will help you reach your desired goals.

In the weeks and months following a treatment, you'll notice that the treated area looks different. Your skin will feel firmer and less saggy.

You might have tenderness or numbness around the treatment area, but it will be temporary and will resolve itself on its own in a few days to a couple of weeks. Your doctor might recommend an analgesic, such as an anti-inflammatory medication, to help you deal with the pain and discomfort.

There's a small risk that some of the dead fat cells may become trapped under your skin and cause scarring or disfigurement. Your doctor will discuss the risk with you and determine if it's worth taking the chance.

One risk is a rare condition called polyarteritis nodosa (PAH). It can occur when fat cells are killed, but the dead cells can't be broken down and eliminated from the body. It's rare, but can happen in 1 out of 2,000 people who get cryolipolysis.

How long will Cryolipolysis last?

Cryolipolysis is a safe, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that freezes stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise or diet. This method can help you get rid of bulges on your arms, stomach, and hips. It's also a great way to tighten up sagging skin on the face and neck.

Depending on your individual needs, you may need a few sessions of cryolipolysis machine to achieve your desired results. During your consultation, your doctor will help you determine the number of treatments needed to achieve your goals.

In general, the amount of fat reduction you will see after a treatment session depends on the area of your body that is being treated and the vascularity of the cells. For example, the adipose cells in your legs are less susceptible to cryolipolysis than the fatty tissue on your abdomen.

However, a number of studies have shown that you will experience significant fat loss with cryolipolysis. Typically, patients will notice a decrease in fat on their targeted areas after 2 to 4 months after treatment.

To ensure that you receive the best results, it's important to follow a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. This will keep your results from fading over time and prevent you from gaining weight in the future.

One potential complication of cryolipolysis is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), which is a growth of fat in the treatment area instead of reducing it. This condition is rare, but it's something to be aware of.

If you do experience this side effect, it is usually temporary and goes away on its own. Your doctor can give you specific instructions on how to care for your treatment area after it heals.

It's best to avoid alcohol and hot showers or saunas for several days after the procedure. You should also eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to promote healing.

Having too much fat in the subcutaneous tissue can cause health problems like heart disease and diabetes. It can also make you look and feel less confident, which can negatively affect your self-image. This is why many people choose to undergo cryolipolysis, which freezes and destroys fat cells to reduce the appearance of fatty deposits on the skin.

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