How Much Does It Cost To Develop Blockchain Healthcare Management Software in 2024?

How Much Does It Cost To Develop Blockchain Healthcare Management Software in 2024?
9 min read

The healthcare industry is at the forefront of the technologically driven era. The secure transmission of medical information has improved people's care and treatment, despite its often heavy reliance on data. However, interoperability of the healthcare management system, from data handling to supply chain monitoring, is difficult due to the threats to information security.

This is where the use of blockchain technology is becoming necessary. Healthcare business owners and executives seek safe management inside the medical ecosystem.

33% of healthcare executives plan to use blockchain technology.

Without a doubt, the demand to integrate blockchain technologies grows in tandem with the increasing frequency of data breaches and supply chain management. The cost of blockchain healthcare administration is undoubtedly debatable.

This blog focuses on the cost calculation of blockchain technology, which can help you obtain a secure healthcare management system. It summarizes the elements influencing blockchain healthcare costs.

How Much Does Blockchain Healthcare Software Development Cost?

The cost of integrating blockchain into a healthcare IT system varies depending on complexity and ranges from $40,000 to several hundred thousand dollars.

Healthcare Management System: Cost Estimation of Blockchain Apps and Software.

In the modern day, the healthcare management system faces numerous obstacles. Some of these include medical product tampering, transparency, data privacy, automation, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, and the expensive and time-consuming transportation of medical equipment from manufacturers to end users.


The following are the estimated costs of blockchain management apps or solutions that can assist you in overcoming the aforementioned issues.


1. Decentralized ledgers to increase transparency in supply chain

Ensuring the provenance of medicinal supplies to ensure their authenticity is a significant healthcare concern. From data storage to supply traceability, a lack of visibility causes inefficiencies, delays, and an increased risk of errors.

Utilizing blockchain development services, such as decentralized and transparent ledgers, is beneficial. It records pharmaceuticals and medical commodities from manufacturing to every stage of the supply chain, allowing users to track and trace them in real time.


Healthcare executives must decide on the blockchain technology needed to operate their operating system.


    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)

A DAO is an encoded enterprise that operates on a decentralized platform. Businesses planning to create a DAO from scratch should be aware that the cost ranges between $4000 and $20,000.


  • Decentralized Application (DApps)

Blockchain applications leverage decentralized technologies to provide user-friendly functionality and a distributed ledger to record transactions. The main advantage of DApps is that they do not require an arbitrator for data transfers. Developing DApp costs you within the range of $30,000 to $40,000.

2. Blockchain Cryptography Improves Data Security in Remote Monitoring

Adopting remote monitoring systems has supplied patients with every form of sensor for measuring their vital signs. It has increased healthcare practitioners' visibility into their patients' health, allowing them to provide preventive and proactive care.

However, security is a worry in health IoT to guarantee that patient data is secure and not manipulated to produce false results. The easiest way to address it is to incorporate blockchain cryptography into the healthcare management system.

Blockchain cryptography allows only authorized parties to access personal data recorded on the blockchain as a unique hash function. Once recorded in a blockchain ledger, tampering with patients' data is practically difficult. This is because the data requires access to all available copies.

The cost of building blockchain cryptography varies according to the system's security complexity. For example, a blockchain healthcare management system with minimum complexity will cost between $4000 and $15000. Setting up a comprehensive management system will cost more than $130,000.

3. Smart Contracts for Authenticating Insurance and Supply Chain Settlements.

It is critical to verify the legitimacy of major healthcare actors such as medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical firms, wholesalers, and insurers. However, doing so necessitates that trading partners and insurance providers in the healthcare industry use fully digital and automated contract terms.

Sharing digital contracts between distributors, manufacturers, and healthcare institutions via a blockchain ledger, rather than having individual versions of contracts, can reduce conflicts over payment chargeback claims for medical prescriptions and other commodities.

The Chronicled investigation found that shifting price patterns resulted in more than one million chargeback claims, with more than 5% disputed and requiring long human adjudication.

Thus, incorporating smart contracts is critical for managing medical insurance contracts for patients in order to maximize health expenses and outcomes. A basic smart contract begins at $1500, whereas a complicated smart contract might cost more than $5,000.

4. Blockchain Traceability: Improving Recalls and Quality Management

To resolve any difficulties with medical goods, the healthcare industry places an emphasis on quick and efficient recall management. With suitable processes and systems in place, recalls are accurate, timely, and complete. If not, it could jeopardize patient safety.

Thus, incorporating blockchain for recall management and quality assurance is critical for storing traceable information securely. This allows healthcare organizations to quickly identify and isolate impacted products during recalls. It allows for timely recall operations.

Implementing the blockchain traceability management system costs between $80,000 and $150,000. It can vary depending on the integration of private networks and smart contracts, which raises the cost to around $400,000-$1,500,000+.

5. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) to improve ownership of health information in health-tracking apps.

Using NFTs in medical equipment and wearables can help safeguard patient data. Managing devices such as at-home exercise equipment, healthcare wearables, and others is difficult. Though data decentralization is the solution, using NFTs helps to increase ownership of health information and reduces data misuse or theft by third parties.

The development of NFTs for the healthcare business is based on multiple blockchains. It might range from $0.01 to many thousand dollars. For example, a healthcare firm owner can create NFTs on the Ethereum network for $70 per token. In contracts, individuals can create NFTs on Solana, one of the most affordable blockchains. Here's the expected cost NFTs is $0.01 per token.

Factors Affecting Blockchain Healthcare Costs

The cost of blockchain in healthcare management is determined by a variety of factors. Here's six of them:

1. Management Complexity

The intricacy of the healthcare system affects the cost of integrating blockchain. The more sophisticated the management, the more resources and time it will need to develop. It may result in increased costs.

2. Blockchain Types

The expenses of integrating blockchain into the healthcare system vary depending on the kind (private, public, or hybrid).

3. Blockchain Developers

The cost of implementing a blockchain healthcare management system varies according to the competence and size of the development team. Experienced coders charge more than beginners.

4. Security Layers

Strong encryption is required because blockchain prioritizes security from the time medical data is stored to when it is transferred. As a result, the more security layers the system includes, the more resources and time it takes to create.

5. Maintenance and Testing

They are critical components of blockchain app development, influencing prices based on requirements.

6. Region

Costs vary per international region. For example, the United States charges between $150 and $200 per hour. It depends on the services selected. For example, a blockchain healthcare management system development company can cost between $20000 and $30000.

The healthcare industry demands real-time upgrades to meet the intended need for efficient healthcare delivery. As a result, transitioning to a blockchain healthcare management system will allow your company to give prompt treatments to its patients.

Based on the aforementioned reasons, introducing blockchain technologies or apps into healthcare systems incurs a variety of expenses.

Wrapping Up!

Implementing blockchain technologies in the healthcare system presents a game-changing possibility for healthcare organizations. It enables them to establish both privacy and transparency, helping to conceal sensitive patient data while allowing access and exchange as needed. Packed with cutting-edge security measures, it persuades various hospitals and clinics to invest in blockchain systems.

Getting a basic overview of blockchain healthcare system costs might help you determine what is most important to your organization. It depends on the obstacles to overcome. Utilize a robust blockchain healthcare app development platform to enable safe communication with verified healthcare workers, up-to-date patient histories and data, and pandemic tracking and reporting.

Our RichestSoft Blockchain App Development Company staff is well-versed in blockchain development, and we hope to assist you to level up your healthcare management system with blockchain technologies.

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Shivang 2
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