How to Clean Saw Blades

How to Clean Saw Blades
2 min read
10 December 2022

Cleaning saw blade is an important part of maintaining them and ensuring they continue to perform at their best. Here are some steps to follow when cleaning saw blades:

  1. Disconnect the saw: Before cleaning the saw blade, make sure to unplug the saw or remove the battery to prevent it from accidentally turning on.

  2. Remove the blade: Carefully remove the blade from the saw, being careful not to touch the teeth or blade edge.

  3. Clean the blade: Using a soft brush or cloth, gently clean the blade to remove any dust, debris, or other debris that has accumulated on it. Be careful not to touch the teeth or blade edge.

  4. Clean the teeth: Use a small brush or toothpick to clean any debris or pitch that may have accumulated in the teeth of the blade.

  5. Clean the blade edge: Use a clean, lint-free cloth to carefully wipe down the blade edge, removing any debris or buildup that may have accumulated there.

  6. Lubricate the blade: After cleaning the blade, apply a small amount of lubricant to the blade and teeth to help protect them and improve their performance.

  7. Reinstall the blade: Carefully reinstall the blade on the saw, making sure it is securely attached and properly aligned.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your saw blade and keep it in good working condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your saw blade will help it last longer and continue to perform at its best.

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