How to create a recruitment plan that will actually improve your hiring

How to create a recruitment plan that will actually improve your hiring
2 min read
07 October 2022

If you’re a recruiter hiring without a recruitment plan, things probably get really hectic sometimes. It’s not difficult to see how we can get lost between taking new job briefs, sourcing talent, conducting interviews, and coordinating offers for multiple vacancies.

Do you find yourself wishing you had more control over your hiring? The best way to ditch the stress is to put some time aside to evaluate your recruitment planning process. When we’re multitasking under pressure, we tend to follow the path of least resistance, using what’s always worked best. But often what worked well yesterday has morphed into a stumbling block today because the working environment has evolved.

While a recruitment plan is no magic wand, it will bring order to the chaos that can come from recruiting for several positions simultaneously.

What is a recruitment plan?

A recruitment plan is a predetermined strategy for recruiters and hiring teams to implement during the hiring process.

Having a recruitment plan in place from the beginning streamlines processes and also gives everyone a timeline to work with. As a recruiter, you can plan your work more efficiently. For line managers, it provides insight into the time to hire and to fill an opening. Once a department head knows how long a vacancy will be open, they can introduce contingency plans, if necessary.

There’s no one size fits all recruitment plan to follow because vacancies differ, and so do companies. But there are steps that make up the core of all hiring processes. It’s best to start with these core steps and build a plan that can be optimized and expanded as needed.


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Maksym Seo 2
Joined: 1 year ago
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